Anxiety has been a major challenge today

Elliott is really struggling with anxiety today. The loss of the two baby squirrels really sorta made ripples in his pond. As the day has worn on, those ripples have grown into waves. Waves are actually a really good way to describe how anxiety hits him because it just sorta pours over him. You can see it as it's happening.. 😟 When he was crying this morning after the loss of the second baby squirrel, he kept saying, First I lost Mom. Then I lost Bella and now these babies. I have nothing left to lose.. That just broke my heart but clearly he's struggling with loss on multiple levels and it's impacting him quite profoundly.  For the latter half of the day, he's been trying to get me to…


Working off anxiety by exploring nature 

I find myself once again working outside with Elliott. I'm helping him to deal with his anxiety in a healthier way. Right now I'm just sitting on the porch watching him do his thing.  He's collecting bugs to feed his toads. There's something about flipping over the rocks and being outside that just provides him with instantaneous relief from his worries.  I do have to be cautious because we are in a not so good neighborhood and it's prone to outbreaks violence. I'm elated about this though, because it's free, accessible, healthy and in many ways, educational. So far it's working but I don't know for how long or what I'll do in the winter.  Either way, I'm doing my best to help my son through a very difficult time…


#Autism and #anxiety are kicking my butt today 

Anxiety often goes hand and hand with Autism. My kids on the spectrum are no exception and struggle with anxiety almost every single day.  As a parent, this can really take its toll after awhile because it's a constant game or putting out fires.  For the last few hours, Elliott has been struggling because he's hungry but can't decide what he wants. The only thing he's willing to eat at this point is pancakes and I don't have everything needed to do that.     There's plenty of other options but he simply won't budge off the pancakes that I will not be making.  It's tough because a large part of this is outside of his control but at the same time, he's trying to guilt me into giving him what…


Helping my son manage his anxiety by exploring nature

It was another anxiety filled day for my middle minion Elliott. We've had more challenging days in the past but we've also had better.  My efforts to help him manage his anxiety were met with success today once again.  When Elliott reached a tipping point with his anxiety, we went out side to explore some of what nature has to offer within the confines of our own backyard.  I've found that encouraging and supporting his natural curiosity when it comes to animals and nature has proven to be a very healthy way for me to help him manage his anxieties.  When he's exploring, he relaxes and just focuses on the possibilities of what he might find during his adventure.  Regardless of the why's, he finds relief in a healthy, non-self-destructive…


How I’m helping my son with #Autism manage his #anxiety

Every once in awhile, I come up with a way to help my kids learn to better manage their inherent anxiety, in a healthy way. This doesn't happen all that often but whenever it does, I feel pretty damn good.  I've been trying to help Elliott manage his extreme anxiety but that's proven to be quite difficult because he's an emotional roller coaster and the reasons for his anxiety are completely understandable.  For the last few days, I've been breaking up Elliott's day by taking him outside and letting him explore nature within the confines of our property.     When I was a kid, I could have spent all day, turning over rocks, exploring fields and walking creek beds in search of Mother Natures little creatures. When it comes to…