I want to take a moment and say Thank You

It's important to me that you all know how much I truly appreciate your support. Support comes in all different shapes and sizes but it all helps.  Thank you all so much for continuing to follow our journey. Thank you all for supporting my mission and my efforts to help the world better understand what Autism Parenting can be like.   Everytime a post gets Liked, Retweeted, +1 or shared in some other fashion, it helps me reach more families that are struggling. It helps me to educate the world about what Autism can be like in real life and that has already proven to make a difference.  As a result of your support, there are people out there that are more understanding and compassionate towards people with Autism and their…


I’ve made a switch in regards to my readers commenting 

I've been really lucky over the years that I haven't had much of an issue with the internet commenting on my writing.  I have however, had a bit more lately than usual.  At the same time, I've been having an issue with my commenting system in general.   While I'm working things out and making a final decision on what direction to go in, I've moved to Facebook comments.  Over 1,000,000,000 people have a Facebook account and it's become the standard for single sign-on.  At this point my thoughts are this.   I realize that some people may not like using Facebook commenting but for now, it's a necessary move.  Not only does it add a bit more accountability to people who leave mean spirited comments because they can no…


A few important updates 

I want to bring your attention to a couple of different things.  I've been hearing from people that the commenting system is deleting comments.  Aside from comments being removed if a user is banned, what's happening is someone is reporting comments as spam.   The comments that are being reported are good comments. Apparently there are just people that are board and have nothing better to do than click on the spam button. If you notice a comment missing, please let me know and I'll fix it.   Secondly, I've reworked the way Disqus works and it should be a little smoother going forward.   Finally, as you are the reader, I would like to know what commenting system you prefer. If my readers are unhappy with my commenting system,…

1 Comment

Words can’t describe how special today is

Today is a really special day and it's one that I know not everyone agrees with but that doesn't matter because I just don't care.  It was 13 years ago today, that Lizze and I were married.  Today is a day that I wasn't sure would ever be celebrated again but life has a way of bringing us what we need. It might not be on our time frame because sometimes things need to work themselves out on their own.  We're living proof that we control our own destiny and if we want something bad enough, we can do just about anything.  ☺  I'm so grateful for my wife.  Our lives are whole once again and today is a day of celebration and joy.   We have a great deal…


A really quick announcement

I wanted to take a second and let everyone know that I've reinstated email updates.I didn't realize they weren't working but I have them fixed.  What does this mean?  Basically, you can sign up to the right, in the sidebar.  You will be subscribed to email updates and my newsletter, which is maybe once a month.   The email updates will consist of a single email that arrives about 4am est.  This email contains a summary of all the posts that took place in the previous 24 hours.  There are direct links to posts and belief excerpts to tell you what each is about.   I know many people like to catch up in the morning and this is a great way to do so without having to leave the…


A MAJOR announcement and a few sidenotes

I wanted to talk to you folks for a few minutes and explain a few changes that you may have noticed already. I've been officially sponsored for the very first time.  I so excited to share with you all that this blog has been sponsored by Vivint Gives Back. What does this mean? It's important to understand that this sponsorship is in regards to server fees only. Vivint Gives Back and The Autism Dad Blog are both on a similar path.  That path is one that's dedicated to helping the special needs community, especially those touched by Autism. Vivint Gives Back will be helping with server fees and that means that I no longer have to stress out of pocket expense in regards to the hosting of The Autism Dad Blog…