As a general rule, I don’t apologize for any of my kids with #Autism but this is one exception

I mentioned in a previous post that something happened yesterday while at Gavin's hematology appointment. Akron Children's Hospital was great, they always are. You have to understand something before we go any further. This appointment took place where Gavin used to receive his IVIG infusions. We're very familiar with this place after years of visits. Gavin is a sweet kids and doesn't have a mean bone in his body. He would never intentionally try to hurt someone or say something that caused someone pain. Unfortunately, along with missing mean bones, he's also missing a filter. It's not uncommon for kids on the Autism spectrum to lack a verbal filter. They basically say it how it is, and are unburdened by things like inhibition. Typically, kids with Autism don't lie. They…


I’m confused but ultimately relieved after our visit to @AkronChildrens Hospital today

Let me start out by saying that this was a very good appointment and I expect nothing less from Akron Children's Hospital. They've never let us down. ☺ It's not too often that we go to an appointment for Gavin and walk out with what amounts to good news. Today was very clearly the exception to that rule. I'll bottom line it for you and then talk about something that happened while we were there. We met the doctor and he was very soft spoken. He took a lore than reasonable amount of time, answering my questions. He looked over Gavin's labs and said that truthfully, his numbers look pretty good, even when we had thought they were pretty bad. That caught me off guard at first because we've believed…


We’re back in #Hematology at @AkronChildrens Hospital

I'm in a really bad mood but that doesn't matter because I have things that must get done. The most important of those things today involves Gavin getting to Hematology at Akron Children's Hospital. I've been talking about this recently because we are finally getting in to see the hematologist in regards to Gavin's unknown blood disorder. Nothing has really gone as planned thus far but we swung by to pick up copies of Gavin's labs so we can take them with us to show the doctor. I ended up taking Lizze home before heading out because she wasn't feeling well. I can totally handle this and I need her to get some rest and feel better. I always say we have to adapt and that's the truth. It's not…


We have a very, very important appointment with hematology at @AkronChildrens Hospital today

We have a huge doctor appointment today. Actually, Gavin has a huge doctor appointment today. The bottom line is that's it's a huge appointment. We are finally getting into hematology, after trying for what seems like forever but in reality, it was about a year or so. This is a big deal because it's really the first new specialist we've seen in a long time. Gavin for the last couple of years has been dealing with an unknown blood disorder that causes his Absolute Neutrophil count to drop to dangerous levels and his platelets get very low as well. We have no explanation for this aside from it's a side effect of the Clozapine. That's a possibility but we aren't convinced that's the case. It's also possible that it can…