Guess who couldn’t sleep last night

It doesn't take much to throw off the routine of a child with Autism.  What throws them off doesn't have to be a bad thing either.  It could be something as positive as a birthday party,  trip to the movies or even getting to spend the night with their Mother.  Emmett is probably the most sensitive to these changes and it usually manifests itself in a disruption of his sleep cycle.  Last night was one such night for Mr. Emmett.  He was unable to fall asleep last night and after a solid attempt on his part,  he ended up downstairs on the couch, snuggling me.


We had a massive meltdown this morningĀ 

This morning was nothing but one gigantic meltdown and I think I already spent my ration of energy for the day. 😫 Emmett was so upset this morning because he had a tummy ache and didn't want to go to school.     The reality is that his tummy ache is anxiety because he is so anxious about everything in his life. He genuinely loves school and isn't getting picked on or anything like that.  Part of the issue this morning was his shoes and socks.  They just didn't feel right and by the time I was able to fix that, we were already 15 minutes late for school.  Emmett was also worried because he has to take his shoes off at Martial Arts and putting them back on, isn't something…


How’s Mr. Emmett doing this morning?

After a rough night with Emmett and not getting much sleep because he was super clingy, it's a brand new day.  The question is how's Emmett doing this morning? Thankfully, Emmett's having a great morning and doesn't appear to be in any pain or discomfort. I haven't directly asked him about his ear yet and that's mostly because my sleep deprived brain hasn't gotten there just yet.     You could see the stress and anxiety in Emmett eyes yesterday. He was completely overstimulated and I'm not sure why.  This morning however, it's like someone hit the reset button and he's been able to shake it all off and start over. He's seems pretty happy today and while I'm not going to push my luck, I do think I will try…


I met with the school over my concern with Common Core math and I’m not sure what happened

As I try to bring everyone up to speed on the goings on with my family, I should briefly bring this up. I mentioned prior to this weekend that I was going to be meeting with Emmett's teacher over this Common Core math situation we have been struggling with.  Going into this meeting, I'm fully aware that the school isn't to blame for this but unfortunately for them, they are the messenger and I suppose that puts them on the front lines.     That being said, I went into the school prepared to stand my ground and demand that Emmett not be forced to learn this bizarre way of doing math. In many ways I did what I set out to do but I don't think I accomplished what I…