Read more about the article This is some of what Emmett did in Occupational Therapy this week
This is some of what Emmett did in Occupational Therapy this week Emmett had OT this week. Next week with be his first off week for the Summer. Emmett will be taking a break from PT during the Summer break. He'll be reevaluated before school starts again. The idea is to see his he maintains the progress he made during PT. If he regressed, he'll simply start back up again. It's going to be a change for him because he's used to going every single week but he'll adjust. You can see some of the activities he did during this week's OT session. He had a ton of fun and did an awesome job. OT is the greatest thing ever and I wish to God every child that needed it, was able to receive it.

This is some of what Emmett did in Occupational Therapy this week

This was Emmett's first week in his new therapy schedule. Here's how things went.....