I had to tell my son he’s NOT a failure

I've been working with Emmett on wearing his new pants. It's not been an easy journey but I will cautiously say that we might be making a baby step forward. ☺ For those new to the party, Emmett is our 9 year old with Autism and significant Sensory Processing issues. Food and clothing are his mortal enemies. Food doesn't taste, smell, feel or look right and clothes make him itch. This has a profound impact on day to day life, especially when it comes to school. Apparently, the school requires clothes to be worn and there are many days where Emmett simply cannot wear clothes because the hurt. We recently had what I thought was our first successful shopping trip in regards to finding pants he will wear. He tried…


Things went horribly wrong this morning

I'm going to keep this super short because I'm exhausted. Emmett woke up and wasn't doing well. We tried for over an hour to help him feel better and nothing worked. He became hysterical as we tried to help him decide what pants he could tolerate. He has a new sore on his upper lip and that has him teetering on the edge to begin with. We know he tried and there wasn't anything that we could do. Our hope is that by Monday he'll be feeling better. For the moment, this has been an unbelievably exhausting morning.


I’m praying there will be 2 kids in the car this morning

We're hoping beyond hope that Emmett will feel up to going to school tomorrow. He's been slowly doing better as the days go on but mornings are still really tough for him. Getting ready for school is often stressful for him and that will make him more sensitive to the pain. I'm not sure we will be able help him through the morning enough to get him to school. My goal is to not rush him to get ready. I want to try to keep him as calm and stress free as possible because it will get out of control quickly if I don't. Lizze and I will likely have to tag team him but with any luck, I'll be dropping two kids off at school in the AM... ☺


I wish I could do something to help him

The morning was rough. I didn't get nearly enough sleep because I was up with an Emmett who was in a great deal of pain. I let Lizze sleep and she let me sleep in, while she took Elliott to school. Teamwork... ☺ Emmett's in a good mood but at the same time, he's miserable because he wants to eat solid food. I looked at the sores on his lips this morning and it looks like there's another one popping up. I wish there was something that could be done but there isn't. This is one of those things that we don't know much about because it's incredibly rare and there's no research being done as a result. One of my readers brought up something called Magic Mouthwash. I think…


That doesn’t Bode well for the rest of us either

I totally thought Emmett there was a real chance that Emmett would be returning to school this morning. He seemed to be doing better-ish last night and I felt a surge of hope that this flare might be coming to an end. Unfortunately, Emmett woke up about 4 AM and was sobbing as he climbed into bed next to me. All I could get out of him was that his the sores in his mouth were throbbing. Apparently, he isn't doing even a little bit better. I I'm absolutely exhausted but I'm trying to make sure Emmett is as comfortable as possible so he could hopefully go back to sleep. It's going to be an extremely long day for all of us because he's miserable and that doesn't bode well…


Please keep Emmett in your thoughts and prayers

I mentioned that Emmett would be home from school today. The reason for that is rather bad fever flare. I'm pretty sure it started on Saturday because that when the physical symptoms began. At first, it was just one sore on the inside of his lip, but as of Sunday evening, he's got several more. The poor kid is in a lot of pain and isn't eating much as a result. He doesn't eat enough on a good day, and this makes things worse. Right now I'm making him milkshakes and mixing SlimFast powder in for some nutrition. These are cold and numb his mouth enough that he can relax a bit. Unfortunately, it doesn't last forever, and he goes right back to being miserable. There isn't much we can…


We’re giving serious thought to homeschooling at least 1 of our 2 kids with #Autism, that are still in school

Full disclosure. I'm exhausted and having a hard time putting thoughts together tonight. I'm going to try and make this as coherent as possible but no promises. Lizze and I are seriously talking about the logistics of homeschooling the boys. Between Emmett's inability to wear clothes and Elliott's emotional struggles that are the result of several things related to school and severe anxiety. The main concern is Emmett though because his struggles physically prevent his attendance. Things with Elliott could be corrected with proper intervention within the school. The idea of homeschooling the boys is not something we take lightly, even in the it's just a possibility phase of talking. There are so many potential downfalls to homeschooling but at the same time, there is a substantial upside as well.…


Don’t count your blessings before they put their pants on

I'm going to keep this short because I'm already spent and it's not even lunchtime. Unfortunately, this morning didn't quite go as planned when it came to Emmett and his brand new pants. In fact, it went the opposite of who I was hoping it would go. Emmett woke up really early and that doesn't usually bode well for his limited ability to cope with the world around him. I ended on the couch last night because my allergies were really bad and I couldn't stop sneezing. Rather than keep Lizze awake, I moved downstairs. I woke up to Emmett not being dressed for school and already in distress over the fact that he was going to have to wear his new pants. They fit great while at the store…