Trying to figure out what’s wrong when my son can’t tell us

I never got around to talking about Emmett not going to school yesterday. He was a dealing with a tummy ache on Monday and barely made it through the day. His teachers never called to tell us he wasn't feeling well, even though he needed a trash can next to his chair while he sat with his head down. When it came to going back the next morning, he was still dealing with a tummy ache. We ended up keeping him home because we were with my parents the day before and now my Mom is down with the flu. He may have been legit getting sick. The other thing was that he ate his first burrito ever on Monday night. There was a school fundraiser through Chipotle, where half…


Why I was so worried about Emmett yesterday

I was worried about how Emmett's day at school was going to go because the kid that stabbed him last week was returning from suspension. Lizze and I spoke with the school to ensure that procautions were taken in order to make sure Emmett would be safe. When I picked Emmett up at the end of the day, he said that this kid was back to his old self. Emmett said he was back to being my same old friend. The school is going to be keeping a close eye on the situation for the near future but at this point in time, it looks like things have been resolved. Emmett's happy to see his friend doing better and that's a good thing. Hopefully, this will not be something we…


I don’t think we overreacted but how would you handle your child being stabbed multiple times with a pencil at school?

Lizze and I had a long discussion last night about how to handle the kid that stabbed Emmett because he was returning to school today. We were nervous because we didn't know what was going on or how to ensure Emmett's safety. We decided that there was at least one main thing we would insist upon for a period of time. Assuming that everything else is in check with this kid and he's allowed to return to school, we want him and Emmett separated until we know this kid is no longer a risk. I read a couple comments suggesting that boys will be boys but in my world, it's not okay that Emmett was stabbed four time with a sharpened pencil. It was bad enough to puncture the skin…


The kid who stabbed Emmett with a pencil is returning to school today and I’m not sure what to think

Emmett will be returning to school in the morning because it's Monday. Normally I wouldn't be worried but this will be the first day that Emmett will be back in school with the kid who stabbed him. I feel that it would be irresponsible of me as a parent, to simply let him walk into the building without talking to the school first. I need to find out what's being done to ensure this kid isn't going to hurt Emmett or anyone else for that matter. I've mentioned before that this kid isn't evil, and he isn't. Something was going on with him however, that led to him stabbing Emmett several times with a sharpened pencil. Emmett's hand is healing pretty well, as you can see in the above image.…


Yes, I know hate is a strong word

It's been a long day and it started super early. I'm talking 4 AM early. Emmett is once again going through a difficult period of time at night and is waking up from really bad nightmares. He runs into our bed and glues himself to me. We have a king size bed but Emmett likes to take up most of it. Putting him back in bed is an exercise in futility because he's too afraid to go back to sleep. Rather than fight that losing battle, I simply move downstairs to the couch. This way Lizze sleeps, he sleeps and I have a chance at getting some sleep as well. The best approach in this particular situation, especially when Emmett's concerned, is to address the underlying issue. The nightmares are…

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I met with the principal after my son was stabbed several times with a sharpened pencil

While I was waiting to pick the kids up from school today, I made it a point to sit down with the principal and express my concerns in regards to Emmett being stabbed multiple times with a sharpened pencil yesterday. I know the kid responsible for this assault, for lack of a better word. He's not a bad kid and this is very much out of character for him. This is a school for kids with various special needs like Autism, ADHD and others. As an experienced Special Needs Parent, I know that there is probably more going in beneath the surface here, especially considering how out of character this behavior was for this kid. I don't believe this was maliciously done. It sounds like this kid was goofing around…


My son was stabbed multiple times with a sharpened pencil at school today

I was waiting for the boys to be dismissed from school, as I do every day. About thirty minutes before dismissal, Emmett's teacher came out to let me know that one of his fellow classmates had stabbed him in the hand with a sharpened pencil. His teacher explained that this classmate was having a rough day and a difficult time controlling himself. I can can honestly understand that because I live with three kids that can have the same problems. This kid stabbed Emmett in the hand, shoulder, wrist, and leg with a sharpened pencil. His hand was the worst as the skin was broken and it bled. There is a pencil scratch on his wrist, as well as marks on his shoulder and leg. Emmett is okay but doesn't…


Hopefully he’ll feeling better as the day moves forward

Emmett woke up about 4 AM with a tummy ache. He climbed into bed with us and snuggled me. I don't think he ever fell back asleep. It was pretty clear that he was miserable. There's a stomach bug going around the school but to be completely honest, this could also just be an Emmett thing. At the moment, Emmett is laying down in our bed resting. He's watching Netflix while he's buried in blankets and surrounded by pillows. He's not eating anything and that's another sign that somethings not right. Hopefully, he will feel better as the day moves forward.