It’s a difficult birthday for our youngest

Today is going to be crazy busy for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it's Emmett's birthday, and he turns 11 years old. ☺ Secondly, my Mom is having knee replacement surgery this morning, and I'm at the hospital with my Dad waiting while she gets her brand new knee. I'll probably be here most of the day. We've been trying to help Emmett figure out what he wants to do for his birthday, but he doesn't know. He doesn't even know what he wants for his birthday. This isn't something we can decide for him either. He's a very indecisive person and struggles with even the most benign decisions. He's always been this way, and it does create many issues. If we try to surprise him with something, especially when…


Hopefully we made the right decision

The boys are at Lizze's parent for at least the next day, and possibly the next two days. Lizze and I will be leaving very early in the morning and making our way to Youngstown. It's about an hour and twenty-minute drive, and we need to be there no later than 8:30 AM because that's when services for my grandmother begin. Calling hours were Wednesday night and Thursday morning before the funeral. I spent every day with her for the last few months, and I couldn't handle two days of calling hours. I've never had a death hit me this hard, and I'm already depressed. I decided it would be best for me to forego the first viewing and instead see her before the funeral. As I mentioned, the boys…

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I think this is best

Poor Emmett has been struggling today. He's trying to decide if he is comfortable going to my grandmother's funeral on Thursday. Elliott and Gavin are a hard no. Emmett has been on the fence. Lizze and I don't want him to feel pressured either way, but we do need to know. My Dad called me this afternoon and asked me if Emmett might be will to read something during the mass. He was very clear that he didn't want Emmett to feel any pressure, and agreed with our approach. I spoke with Emmett about if he decides to go, would he be willing to do a reading during mass. When he said yes, I was a little concerned that he was afraid to say no. I told him to think…


I was completely unprepared my #Autistic son’s heartbreaking emotional reaction

One of the biggest challenges my wife and I have faced as Autism parents is something that thankfully, doesn't present itself very often. When it does, however, it's very difficult to navigate. That challenge has to do with the death of a family member. Thankfully, that doesn't occur very often, but it's something that we all have to face throughout our lives. Before we get into our current situation, I want to provide a bit of background and context. We've lost two grandparents in the last eight months, and for the first time, we allowed the kids to participate in the process. We've always shielded them from these things because of their limited ability to cope with emotional situations. It doesn't get more emotional than the loss of a loved…

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Pictures from yesterdays therapeutic martial arts promotion

The boys had their end of the school year martial arts promotion yesterday. Both Elliott and Emmett did awesomely. Elliott was promoted to blue belt, and Emmett was promoted to high blue. Lizze and I couldn't possibly be any prouder of them than we are. I posted some video on my Twitter feed yesterday and you can check that out by clicking here. I wanted to let you know how things went and share a couple pictures of the boys from yesterday.


Nothing says it’s going to be a terrible day quite like a massive morning #meltdown

It's not a super fun morning once again. Emmett is not in a good mood, and the whole neighborhood is likely aware of it by now. I don't know what has him so upset, but I wish I did. I hate starting the day like this because it's stressful for everyone, especially the kid in question. Emmett's not trying to be disruptive. He's teetering on the edge of a meltdown. It's like he's fighting to maintain, but whatever is causing the distress keeps pushing him towards the edge. It sucks, and it's heartbreaking because when he's like this, you can't even talk to him. We have a busy day ahead of us, and I'm hoping we can make it through this and get the boys to school on time. There's…


Why we almost didn’t make it to school

We had a rough day in our house. It began in the morning and revolved around Emmett's new haircut. The previous night, Emmett had asked me to cut his hair really short. He said buzz cut. He's had it done in the past and loved it. Lizze was not too keen on the idea but supported it if it made Emmett happy. I cut his hair with a number five guard on, and it left his hair about one-quarter inch long. After it was done, he had buyers remorse. He flipped out and struggled even to fall asleep because he was so worried about his hair. He did eventually fall asleep and seemed to have accepted the change. However, he woke up this morning and refused to go to school…

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The reason my youngest is distressed is heartbreaking for me

There are times when I can distance myself from my feelings, focus on facts and remain objective. There are also times like tonight when I can't and emotions rule the roost. I've mentioned recently that Emmett, my youngest of three Autistic boys, is struggling lately. He's been the focus of recent family therapy sessions. Emmett is overwhelmed, frustrated and having a hard time coping with whatever's eating away at him. He's very reactionary, slow to open up and quick to anger. We've been trying to help him work through whatever this is but it's not going so well and he doesn't like to talk about it. I know that there are a few things bothering him and consuming his resources on a daily basis. There's probably more than that but…