Pictures from my special Dad’s breakfast at my kids school

Breakfast with Gavin and Elliott this morning went really well.  We had pancakes and got to sit together and eat. Gavin was in his own world but Elliott talked to me.  :-) It was really cool because it was like every 5 seconds, someone was saying hello to one of the boys.  They have a lot of friends, especially Elliott because he's a little more comfortable in social situations than Gavin is.  We had a great time and then I walked Elliott to his classroom and Gavin ran off to his.  I'm sad because Gavin is so detached from everyone and I remember the times long ago, when it wasn't that way. Either way, this was a great way to start out the day and I'm so grateful for the…

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Today I’m feeling Angry

Like the title says, today I'm feeling angry. I'm going to be doing a bigger write up on the impact of our being investigated by Child Protective Services later but I need to just vent for a moment. Whoever decided that it was necessary to create needless and damaging drama, by making a false allegation to Child Protective Services about my wife and I, has made it to the number 1 spot on my shit list. Even though none of the allegations are true and our name will eventually be cleared, the damage has already been done. As you know, the investigators interviewed us all, yesterday afternoon.  They were actually quite amazing and understanding. Having said that, the simple act of having strangers come into the house has been extremely…


The Most Marvelous Mother Award

Gavin came home from school and presented Lizze with the Most Marvelous Mother Award.    He listed off all the things he felt qualified her for this award.  Among those qualities was the fact that she is industrious. :-) He just kills me sometimes.  :-) Anyway, this is a well deserved award and Lizze was very grateful for having received it.  This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


My two little superheros

Elliott and Emmett have been living in their superhero costumes today. Emmett is in the Spiderman costume and Elliott is sporting a Captain America  costume. They are posing for a few, goofy, candid shots.  Do you have any little superheros in your life? Please share. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Breakfast at school with my boys

Today is going to be a really busy day.  First thing in the morning, I'll be eating breakfast at school with Gavin and Elliott.  It's sorta like an early Father's Day thing. As soon as I get back, I have to Lizze to the doctors.  Shortly after lunch, I have to take Gavin and Elliott to Concorde Kids for OT.  We will cap the day off by seeing Dr.  Patti.  I'm already so exhausted and this is doing to take a whole lot of what I don't have.  The things we do for our loved ones.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact…

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Major Announcement: Helping to recover kids with #Autism that wander away

This is an official announcement.  As a member of the Autism community and father to 3 boys on the Autism Spectrum, I try to keep my finger on the pulse of the community as a whole and work to make things better for as many people as I can.  The goal of Lost and Tired is to help improve the lives of those touched by Autism and their families, while at the same time helping to educate those in general public. One of the things that has been very close to my heart, especially with the recent, tragic news that another small child with Autism drown, after wandering away, is helping to rapidly recover the missing child before tragedy strikes.  My family has been very lucky in the sense that…


Being investigated by Child Protective Services

I apologize for the delayed update but today has been pretty crazy. As you likely are aware of, someone has reported us to Child Protective Services.  They claim that we don't take our kids to the doctors and follow up with their medical care.  Ironic right? That's kinda how I feel about it.  I spoke with the investigator (social worker) this morning after we returned from the Farmers market. We decided that she would come by after school and conduct her interviews and collect whatever information she needed.  I wanted to get this over and done with because the stress of this has Lizze sick and honestly, I'm not too far behind.  When the too social workers arrived, the boys were upstairs playing and we had our grownup talk before…


We will be interviewed by Child Protective Services today

In about 2 hours, Child Protective Services will be coming to our house and interviewing my family.  I spoke with the social worker this morning and made the necessary arrangements.  I have to pick the boys up early from school so we can get this done.  She promised to interview the boys in our presence and as a group. The was comforting to hear.  I know that we have nothing to hide and so we should have nothing to fear.  However, it doesn't feel like that. It feels like we are at risk of losing our kids, all because some sad person got up on Friday morning and decide that our lives weren't challenging enough.  They decided to file a report with Child Protective Services and claim that we don't…