What it feels like to be investigated by Child Protective Services

I keep hearing from people that they're able to relate to us because they themselves have been victims of a spite call  to Child Protective Services. While it saddens me that this seems to be so wide spread, it's also nice to have people that can relate as well. I'm not really sure how to address this problem but I think that talking about it is a start.  It's never a bad thing to create dialog and discuss something that is of concern. In my opinion, this definitely qualifies as something of concern. For those of you tardy to the party, CPS was called by someone who's identity is a mystery.  This mystery person, reported that my wife and I aren't providing our kids with medical care.  Essentially, they are…


Pictures from Tuesday’s Therapy

I wanted to share some of the pictures from Tuesday's therapy appointment with Dr. Patti. Things went really well until Gavin had a tantrum. Gavin kept trying to parent his brothers and correct what he thought were problems. He was told to stop, several times actually but wouldn't. For the most part, the boys did well together and once again had fun with Dr. Patti.


Gavin is officially done with school for this school year

Lizze and I have decided that it would be best to keep Gavin home for the rest of the school year. That only amounts to a total of 2 days but here's why. Today and tomorrow are track and field events.  These are fun, physical activities that Gavin can participate in because of his health issues.  If we sent him to school, he would simply have to sit and watch everyone else having fun.. Lizze and I sorta feel that it wouldn't be fair to him, so we gave him the choice to stay home instead of having to stay on the sidelines, sad because he couldn't participate. This is one of those decisions that we have to make that may not always be popular but we feel it's the…


#Autism 101

Akron Children's Hospital pointed out this interesting infographic to me this morning. It basically summarizes the Autism and it's impact in a unique way. While I question the whole 80% divorce rate (thought that had been debunked), this infographic provides very useful information and I want to thank Akron Children's Hospital for sharing it with me so I can share it with you. :-) Image source: www.nursedegree.net   I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on this. Please have at it down below in the comments.


I think I’m leaking sanity

I'm so out of sync today.  I realize that it's Wednesday as I'm writing this and Thursday, by the time you're reading this. Having said that, I'd swear under oath, that it's Friday. I'm not quite sure how I got so mixed up but I just can't shake the feeling that it's Friday. Perhaps I'm just weird.  Maybe it has something to do with stress or exhaustion.  It's possible that the past week or so and the stress from this Child Protective Services nonsense, has finally caused the dam inside my head to rupture and it's leaking out all the sanity I've been saving up for a rainy day. Whatever the reason, it's really messing with me because I'm even acting as if it's Friday and getting things ready for…

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Elliott’s Artwork: The Jellyfish

Elliott is now at the point in the school year that he's bringing home all his artwork from this year.  This is exciting for me because I get a rush or fresh pictures that I can proudly share with all of you.  :-) This particular picture is very clearly a Jellyfish. You can even see the little electric bolts at the tips of the tentacles, symbolizing the fact that they sting.  Beautiful Elliott.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


It’s tantrum Tuesday…err… Wednesday.. Hell they all blend together

You know it's bad when everyday sorta blends in with the one that came before and comes after. Today is the second day in a row that Gavin has had to have his behavior corrected, which led to a massive tantrum. This afternoon, Gavin wouldn't leave Elliott alone.  He wanted Elliott's Pokemon cards and wouldn't take no for an answer.  He berated Elliott until Elliott came to us for help.  Elliott asked him to stop and Gavin wouldn't. We had to intervene as this is essentially bullying.  He was trying to bully Elliott into giving him what he wanted. That's not going to fly in our house or in the outside world. Gavin was told that he was going to have oatmeal for dinner because this isn't the first time…


Thank you @AkronChildrens for another successful IVIG infusion

As I sit here in my car, waiting for Elliott to be dismissed from school, Gavin is at home resting after a successful IVIG infusion. Lizze and Gavin arrived home a little bit before 2pm this afternoon.  Apparently Gavin did really, really well.  Not only did he tolerate the physical IVIG infusion, he also behaved himself as well.  :-) In fact, he's doing so well, he may actually get to finish out the last week of school.  Originally, we were going to keep him home because the last infusion took a lot out of him and we didn't want to push him too hard.  However, he seems to be doing much better this time, who knows.  :-) I just wanted to say thank you to Akron Children's Hospital and their…