Gavin’s awards for this past school year, check’em out

Gavin is a complicated kid, with many, many different sides to him.  That's part of what makes this school year so much of a victory for him. Despite all his challenges, he finished the school year on a good note and did a great job. Gavin's teachers handed out quite a few awards but these are the top three. 1) Merit Roll 2) Most Improved Student 3) Special Award for Bravery in dealing with all his health issues. Fantastic job Gavin, Mommy and I are super proud of you. :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Elliott won 2 awards this year, check it out

Elliott one two different awards this year at school.  The first award is for Academic Honors and the second is the Good Citizenship award.  We are so proud of Elliott and see many bright things in his future.  Keep up the great work Elliott, Mommy and Daddy love you so much.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Confessions of an #Autism Dad: Sometimes I hate being a special needs parent

Sometimes I really hate being a special needs parent.  I love my kids, that's not the problem.  The problem is some of the baggage that comes along with my kids, special needs.  Does that make any sense? Tonight has been one of those nights where I could literally feel myself cracking and what's left of my sanity spilling out all over the floor. You should probably watch where you step.  ;-) We've had a rule in our house, for awhile now, that Gavin was not to build the boys things out of Legos. The reason behind this rule is simple.  Gavin building the boys things out of Legos caused way to many problems.  I've had to remind Gavin of this quite a few times this week alone. It all began…


The 2012/2013 School Year is officially over

It's hard to believe the school year is over. All three boys will be home, everyday for the next 3 months.  :-) I'd be lying if I said this wasn't bittersweet. Having said that, today is a victory because both boys made it through the entire school year.  Elliott was never in question but with Gavin's health issues, we never knew what was going to happen next.  Last year, Gavin didn't make it through the whole year.  We had to pull him out for the last month or so because his health deteriorated. Tonight we are going to celebrate with a very simple cookout on our homely little grill.  I feel good.  I feel like we accomplished something.  :-) Later on, I'll share the awards the boys earned... :-) This…

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What’s the first thing that pops into your mind….

What's the very first thing that pops into your mind when you hear this song.  The song is: Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas. I want to know the very first thing this makes you think of.  If you're like me, my wife, our friend Katrina Moody and millions of others out there, this song will always conjure of something very particular.  Please share below.  This is a lyrics video to the song so that you're not influenced by picture or video. :-) Can't wait to see what this makes you think of. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


How to survive summer vacation? Yes I said survive.

I'm not going candy coat anything here.  Summer vacation is really a tough time for many special needs families, for a lot of reasons. For starters, there's the dreaded and utterly hated, change of routines.  Can you say destabilizing? Another concern is that now we have to feed them two meals that were previously getting at school. Hello maxed out grocery budget... What about the obvious thing like, how to occupy their time? How do you entertain your child for the entire summer? Are you looking at any sort of camps, workshops or time with relatives? These are all things that can be both fun for your child and educational. There's also the added advantage of helping with the final and arguably most important part of summer vacation... How the…


#Autism and the haircut

Gavin's had the same haircut for the last couple of years. Not everyone likes it, but he does and it makes a lot of things easier.  When he came home from his extended stay at his Grandparents house , he hadn't had his favorite haircut since he moved out.  He's delving deeper and deeper into puberty and his favorite haircut now serves a new purpose.  It keeps his oily hair off his forehead and helps to cut down on the acne issues that face many a teens. This is a before and after shot of Gavin and his haircut.  I may be a bit biased but I think he has a really nice head for this particular haircut.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive…


Child Protective Services: One week later

It was one week ago, almost to the minute, that Child Protective Services showed up on my front porch and informed me that my wife and I were under investigation.  The allegations, leveled by a concerned citizen, alleged that my wife and I do not seek medical care for our three boys.  Furthermore, we don't go to the followup appointments either. On Monday, the investigators interviewed Lizze, myself and all three boys.  They were very nice and accommodating to the boys needs.  This was basically the role we had to play at that point.   We signed all required releases and now it's a waiting game.  We are waiting for our doctors to release records to verify that we do in fact take the boys to the doctors.  The social worker…