#Autism and the haircut

Gavin's had the same haircut for the last couple of years. Not everyone likes it, but he does and it makes a lot of things easier.  When he came home from his extended stay at his Grandparents house , he hadn't had his favorite haircut since he moved out.  He's delving deeper and deeper into puberty and his favorite haircut now serves a new purpose.  It keeps his oily hair off his forehead and helps to cut down on the acne issues that face many a teens. This is a before and after shot of Gavin and his haircut.  I may be a bit biased but I think he has a really nice head for this particular haircut.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive…


Child Protective Services: One week later

It was one week ago, almost to the minute, that Child Protective Services showed up on my front porch and informed me that my wife and I were under investigation.  The allegations, leveled by a concerned citizen, alleged that my wife and I do not seek medical care for our three boys.  Furthermore, we don't go to the followup appointments either. On Monday, the investigators interviewed Lizze, myself and all three boys.  They were very nice and accommodating to the boys needs.  This was basically the role we had to play at that point.   We signed all required releases and now it's a waiting game.  We are waiting for our doctors to release records to verify that we do in fact take the boys to the doctors.  The social worker…


Entering the final day of school

Both Gavin and Elliott are beginning their final day of the school year. This morning was relatively smooth and uneventful, which is awesome. Gavin was up and ready to go, in no time flat.  The same for Elliott. Today is awards day and the classrooms are giving out awards for the year.  I'll be sure to share any awards that are earned. When I go to pick the boys up this afternoon, I have to stop by the office and collect their meds. Gavin and Elliott both have emergency inhalers and Elliott also has an epipen. All of these medications cone home for the summer.  I'm pretty excited about summer vacation.  For one thing, I love me boys and enjoy their company.  Secondly, it's a while lot less driving I…


Goodbye school. Hello Summer……

In just a few hours, I will be driving the  oys to school for the last time this school year. It's been a long road but one that was well worth the journey. Gavin made it through the year, despite having all kinds of health related issues. Elliott conquered many fears this school year and ended up having a fantastic year.  His year was filled with new friends and tons of learning.  I'm so proud of both boys and I can't wait to have a summer filled with fun and adventure.  What are your summer plans? This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Taking Emmett to the grocery store is always educational

Emmett's not been feeling well lately.  He's been hitting these fever cycles again, for the first time this year.  Because of the mouth sores, he's been eating lots of Popsicles and a bit of ice cream.  All these things help to numb his mouth and provide him with relief from the pain. He was having a really, really bad day and so I decided to take him with me to the grocery store to pick up a few odds and ends.  I'm so proud of him because he didn't really develop the gimmes while we were there.  He also helped me to pick out fresh fruit and he even scanned the items in the self checkout aisle, all  you himself.  He did awesome and I'm super proud of him. I…


How about a few updates

I've got a few updates to share with you all.  Due to the bad weather, Summit Academy has modified their field day for today and tomorrow.  Everything is now being done inside the school and so there is not going to be crazy amounts of activities that would put Gavin's autonomic stability at risk.  As a result, Gavin will be attending his last day of school.  This is a good thing because tomorrow is awards day.  :-) I mentioned in an earlier post about my epic parenting fail. I had a long talk with Elliott and he's very understanding and was very quick to forgive our absence at his martial arts demo yesterday. I suppose that means that I can also forgive myself.  :-) On a sad and much more…