Today is take the kids to the playground day

Good morning class.. Our main focus today is going to be getting the kids to the playground.  It's been a really long week, filled with stress and anxiety.  Not only do we want to leave this week on a good note, we also want to begin the new one the same way.  The boys love the playground and we love taking pictures of them on the playground.  Much like chocolate and peanut butter, they just got well together..  :-) We haven't decided which playground to grace with our presence today but the kids have their favorites, so we probably won't venture to far outside of the box. One of the things that we want to do this summer is setup play dates for Elliott.  We figured we could start out…


90% of the time there is a method to the madness

Gavin actually had a really good day.  No tantrums or significant behavioral issues. In fact, he's actually the only one of the three that listened today. Lizze even wanted to reward his good behavior.  :-) It's not that the others boys were a problem, it's just that they are going through a rough transitional period.  They are adjusting to Gavin being home and now school being out for the summer.  Gavin's never really seemed to struggle to much with change.  He kinda carries his world with him, wherever he goes.  This really minimizes the impact of a change or disruption in routine. It's one of the little blessings that we've received, as it makes life easier for him and for us.  Great job today Gavin. Also, I wanted to add…


My kids latest bid to drive me crazy

I love my boys more than anything in the world and because of that love, I feel very comfortable admitting the fact that they can also drive me crazy. Their latest bid to send me over the edge is to talk in letters. What does talking in letters mean? Basically, instead of just saying the words, they spell them out. I think this is payback for all the times that Lizze and I spelled things out before they could read. Instead of saying "can I please have some ice cream", they say it like this "c-a-n i p-l-e-a-s-e h-a-v-e s-o-m-e i-c-e c-r-e-a-m." Now, don't get me wrong, I'm proud that they can do this, in fact, it's actually pretty amazing, especially for Elliott. However, and this is a really big…


I’m behind on responding to comments

I just wanted to take a second and acknowledge that I'm way, way behind on responding to your comments.  I've always made it a priority to respond to everyone's comments.  The way I see it, if you took the time to leave a comment, I can take the time to respond.  Unfortunately, with everything that's been going on lately, I've simply fallen behind..and for that I apologize. While I may not get to the backlog of comments, I will try to keep up going forward. Thank you all for understanding.  I truly appreciate it.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


It becomes heartbreakingly apparent

Lizze has had this same migraine, without a single day of relief, for over 16 months.  In fact, I think it's actually closer to 18 months now.  :-( Today has been especially bad for her and aside from sleep, there isn't anything we can do for her at the moment. I often forget how much pain she's in because she hides it from the world and doesn't want to be a burden on anyone.  It becomes heartbreakingly apparent, when I look over at her and she has tears streaming down her face. It's in moments like this that I'm reminded of how much she suffers and it literally breaks my heart.  I wish there was something that I could do to rid her of this pain.  A large portion of…


Leaving no room for interpretation

Once again, we are having issues with those friggin Legos and Gavin. I'm honestly torn as reasons behind Gavin's confusion over the rules.  So, in an effort to make the rules easier to follow, we have removed any and all wiggle room that allowed for anything to be interpreted. Clearly, the rule that said, Gavin cannot build anything out of Legos for his brothers, wasn't clear enough.  The rule is now, Gavin cannot build with Legos... period. This makes it black and white and removed any and all grey areas.  Now there should be absolutely no confusion over what he can and cannot do, in regards to Legos.  This isn't something that I relish at all.  I hate taking things away from any of our kids.  The problem is that…


The Lighter Side of #Autism: BFF’s

I meant to share this the other day but I forgot. This is a picture of Emmett, watching his favorite show (of that day) and snuggling with his very special cat Blue.  :-) They are way to cute together.  This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


How was the first morning of summer vacation?

Our first morning of summer vacation has gotten off on the right foot.  No one is fighting and I got to sleep in until almost 8am. :-) All the boys have had breakfast and Gavin ate his oatmeal without a single problem. Great job Gavin. We've only been at it for about an hour but everyone is getting along and I have had my ears assaulted by any screaming, so that's awesome.  :-) Today is going to be a nothing day.  Although, we may try and get Emmett and Elliott haircuts this afternoon.  So far so good.  I hope that today is treating all of you with the respect and dignity that you all deserve.  This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect…

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