@AkronChildrens Hospital talks allergies

This is a really Informative video on kids and allergies.  Dr. Wasserbauer, DO, is actually our kids immunologist.  She's responsible for how well Gavin's doing immunologically (is that even a word?). This is a great video to learn some of the basics about allergies and it also talks about some common misconceptions as well.  Akron Children's Hospital puts out these videos to help provide parents with accurate and accessible information.  Give it a look and then share it with your friends. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpMDCHoj3tQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


How’s Gavin doing since returning home 6/14/2013

I wanted to update you as to how Gavin's been doing since moving back home a few weeks ago. In short, overall he's doing pretty well.  We've had a few tantrums but nothing we couldn't handle.  One of the biggest issue we are facing I think at this point is Gavin’s lack of maturity.  I know that sounds like a dig on him but that's not what I mean. Gavin's 13 years old on the outside but only about 3 or 4 on the inside.  This essentially makes him a 5'4",130lb toddler. It's very challenging to keep him from hurting himself or someone else, even unintentionally. He's not very self aware and so he doesn't recognize how easily he can hurt someone.  One of the other problems and a big…


Plans for the day

Good morning everyone.  I'm really excited because we are just one day away from participating in the 5k walk for #Autism, benefiting the Autism Society of Greater Akron. If you want to sponsor Team Lost and Tired please click here. Even $1 helps.  Anyways, the boys the boys are super excited and so am I.  Lizze on the other hand is not feeling well and is in a tremendous amount of pain. I'm not sure what she's going to do.  Today's plans are basically to survive the the day.  Emmett's not having a fun day and that makes life challenging for all of us.  Lizze is laying down for a little while and our goal is to get the kids to a new playground today.  Gavin is the only one…


Thanks for your help Gavin

Gavin was a big help yesterday cleaning up the storm damage. He enjoyed picking up the branches that were littering our yard.  This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


I’m thinking of making a change

In an effort to make Lost and Tired more user friendly, especially on the mobile side, I'm contemplating making a change to my commenting system.  I personally love LiveFyre but it's not very mobile friendly at the moment.  They're reworking the mobile side and so functionality has taken a big hit.  Here's what I'm thinking about doing. It's possible to have one plugin that would give you multiple options as far as leaving a comment is concerned.  Right now this plugin allows Google+, Facebook, regular wordpress and disqus. It's actually pretty cool because it syncs comments between Facebook, Google+ and this site. This means that if you comment here on the site using the facebook option, your comment will show up in the facebook thread as well and vis versa.…


Dammit Jim, I’m an #Autism Dad not a slinky untangler

I'm not sure how many of you can appreciate the title but it's a classic Star Trek reference.  :-) I know my kids love the slinky, I mean what kid doesn't?  I myself have grown to hate the slinky and it's propensity for getting tangled. I do everything in my power to avoid the slinky ever visiting my house.  I'm not trying to be mean. I'm trying to avoid the inevitable backlash that occurs when the slinky meets it's untimely demise. Emmett received a slinky the other day.  In can't remember where he got it from now.  :-( Anyway, I've untangled that darn thing so many times already. I hate slinkies because even if you manage to untangle them, they're never the same.  They end up bent up and out…

1 Comment

What happened at yesterday’s wraparound meeting?

One of my readers sent me a message on Google Hangout, asking about what happened at yesterday's wraparound meeting.  I never did get around to that and so here you go. Yesterday's wraparound meeting turned out to be relatively pointless. Almost half the team was unable to attend at the last minute and so nothing really got accomplished.  It wasn't anyone's fault. Sometimes things come up and when you're in a public service profession, things happen  and you have to do your job. With that said, we did bring those that were present, up to date on what was going on and what needed to happen.  We have a tentative meeting scheduled for the week of June 20th but it probably won't because in my opinion, there wasn't really a…


Ask @Lost_and_Tired your questions…and they will be answered

Recently, someone (cough cough MBee cough cough) brought up a really good point. There are things that I don't always share.  I don't not share them because I'm hiding something, they just don't seem that important. Things like, what we eat for dinner or some of the everyday positives. The reason for this is that I simply don't have the time and energy to report every single detail of my life.  It's hard enough to keep up with all that I already share. While much of what I share could be deemed, negative or unpleasant, it's what our life is actually like.  That's not to say that good things don't happen, it's just that they are often drown out by all the unpleasant things that are happening.  I make a…