This makes me sad

I just saw the picture that was taken of Lizze, myself and the kids.  What's the first thing you notice? For me, the first thing I notice is Gavin off to the side. This wasn't done on purpose and it breaks my heart to see this. It's like he's disconnected from the rest of us. If we become aware of this before the picture is taken, we'll pull him in.  However, if we do pull him in, it becomes obvious that he is uncomfortable.  He's been this way for as long as I can remember.  Sometimes he does okay and blends in like nothings wrong and other times it's a bad experience. Do you see this with your kids on the Autism Spectrum? This site is managed almost exclusively via…


Some video from the Lace it. Race it. Face it. 5k Run/Walk for #Autism

Check out the video.  It was a really good turn out.  More pictures to come. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


@Lost_and_Tired supports @AutismSocietyOH

By the time you are reading this post, we will be well on our way to help raise money for the Autism Society of Greater Akron. Lost and Tired is supporting the Lace it. Race it. Face it. 5k walk/run for the Autism Society of Greater Akron. I don't typically align myself with larger Autism organizations but the Autism Society of Greater Akron is an amazing organization that does even more amazing work for our Autism Families in the Greater Akron area. Yesterday, Lizze and I made a run to Akron in order to pick up our stuff and register a few new team members. I met with the Director of the Autism Society of Greater Akron. We've spoken before but hadn't met in person. We are big fans or…


Sensory fun at the playground

We took the boys to the playground yesterday and they had a blast. We stayed for about 30 minutes before heading home. Everyone did great job listening and it was a fun way to get some wiggles out. I enjoyed watching the boys running around. Something else that playgrounds are good for are sensory input. Lot's of running, crashing, jumping and being kids. All the climbing builds strength and trying new things builds experience and confidence. We love the playground and our goal for this summer is to visit one, several days a week.


Have you ever experienced a manic child?

OMG....... That's about the only way to sum up Gavin today. He is all over the place and extremely manic. Obviously the meds aren't working yet. It'll take a little while for them to take effect, that is if they're even going to. If I were to describe Gavin being manic, I would say that he's scattered. By that I mean while talking, he's bouncing from one subject to the next. It's like one giant, never ending run on sentence. It only makes sense to him because his thoughts are so scattered. He also talk a mile a minute and is very, very difficult to understand. As far as physically goes, he's walking into things, tripping over his own feet and possesses even less impulse control than usual. He can…


Under investigation by Child Protective Services: Update 06/15/2013

I wanted to take a second and update all of you on the current status of our CPS investigation. So far, we have been interviewed and we have signed releases to allow our medical teams to speak with CPS. If you recall, the allegation lodged against us stated that we didn't take our kids to the doctors. I never got the impression that the investigators actually believed the allegations to be true. Our interview went really well and it's pretty obvious that we take our kids to the doctors. As our interview was coming to an end, the main investigator said that I would hear from her this week. That hasn't happened. To be honest, that makes me nervous and it's making Lizze physically ill from worry. Rationally I know…


The “Did you know’s” of Food #Allergies

We were on the topic of food allergies yesterday and so I thought that maybe this would help provide some insight into at least some of the precautions we must take. The image below is the letter written by Dr. Wasserbauer, DO, of Akron Children's Hospital. It's in regards to Elliott's treenut allergy. This provides information on how to keep Elliott safe from his life threatening food allergy. It also details what to do in the event of anaphylaxis. I blurred out personal information. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


@AkronChildrens Hospital talks allergies

This is a really Informative video on kids and allergies.  Dr. Wasserbauer, DO, is actually our kids immunologist.  She's responsible for how well Gavin's doing immunologically (is that even a word?). This is a great video to learn some of the basics about allergies and it also talks about some common misconceptions as well.  Akron Children's Hospital puts out these videos to help provide parents with accurate and accessible information.  Give it a look and then share it with your friends. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me