Emmett’s Amazing Artwork: The Turkey

This evening Emmett was hard at work on a masterpiece. He sat down on the couch and began feverishly drawing.  He was so excited about creating a turkey out of his hand.  Considering that he's only 4 years old, this is pretty good.  I'm so proud of him and I can't wait to see what he does next. This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to find really cool and unique #Autism Awareness Clothing and Accessories, designed by me. ;-) For more ways to help the Lost and Tired family, please visit Help the Lost and Tired Family.

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Today’s Victory: Dealing with Gas

As you may or may not know, our gas was shut off last week. While I am behind, this was a crazy call by Dominion. Basically, we had our gas turned off about 2 weeks ago and we made the payment needed to get the gas turned back on and our account back on track.  Everything was fine and we were moving forward. Last week, Dominion shows up and shuts us off again and this time they wanted a large sum of money to get things turned back on.  We simply don't have it.  This was a very perplexing situation because as of 2 weeks ago, everything was fine and we were moving forward and now all of a sudden it's not.  It's so messed up that the guy that…


After the day I’ve had……….

Today has been a pretty good day. They don't happen often but when they do they are appreciated. We managed to get through the day without any major problems. Gavin did pretty well and so did the boys. Emmett had a bit of a rough time. His struggle with perfection is getting the better of him lately and today was one of those days for him. I managed to get some writing done and I that's always a positive thing. Emmett and I ran some errands and before bed, Gavin and I collected up the trash and recycling and took it out to the curb. We did get some pretty big news though and that sorta set the tone for the day for us. I received a call back from…


#Autism and coping with imperfection: The crinkly cup meltdown

I took Emmett with me today to refill our 5 gallon water jugs.  While we were there, Emmett got a drink from the water cooler. They had paper cups and Emmett thought that was really cool. However, things went downhill rapidly when he realized that his paper cup became crinkly when it got wet. It was no longer perfect and he melted down as a result.  He was so upset and it went on for over an hour.  I feel so bad for him because he just can't cope with things being imperfect.  We try so hard to work with him on these issues but only on the rarest of occasions does it actually help and today was not one of those occasions. This is one of the toughest part…


Being investigated by Child Protective Services: Big Update 06/17/2013

I just got off the phone with the social worker in charge of our investigation.  She received very detailed information from Dr. Patti.  This information was very, very helpful in verifying our story that we do in fact take our kids to the doctors.  Dr. Patti said that she has no concerns about out Lizze, myself or the boys, relative to this investigation. The social worker went on to state that once the records are received from the Cleveland Clinic and Akron Children's Hospital, this case will be closed.  OMG..... This is such good news.  I asked how we could protect ourselves from future spite calls and she suggested speaking with an attorney. We've actually been contacted by some advocacy groups that have offered to help but at this point,…


Finally a slow week

This week is pretty low key as far as appointments go.  In fact, all we have going on this week is therapy for the boys with Dr.  Patti and OT for Gavin and Elliott. Lizze has a couple appointments in between but nothing major.  On Friday, we will be taking the boys to The Cleveland Zoo as part of an event sponsored by Akron Children's Hospital.  Basically, the Zoo will close early but remain open to children with special needs and their families.  Everyone is really excited and we can't wait to go.  Next week is going to be really crazy, with multiple trips to the Cleveland Clinic. For now, I'm going to take advantage of the slower week and try and get some things done.  This site is managed…


Is there ever an excuse to kill your child with #Autism?

While I make it a point to always reserve judgement, this happens to be one of those situations where I show that I'm human and react in a way that I really try not to.  If you haven't already heard, Dorothy Spourdalakis has been charged in the stabbing death of Alex, her 14 year old son with severe Autism. Basically, Dorothy had been struggling with her very, very challenging son.  It got to the point that she felt her only option was to stab him to death and attempt to take her own life, which of course, she failed to do. She's now charged with the stabbing death of Alex. I've been reading about this situation and while I feel for the mothers struggles, I just can't bring myself to…


Manic and Psychotic but otherwise okay

Gavin had a pretty good day today, especially considering he's manic and psychotic. Aside from his incessant talking about totally random and often incoherent thoughts, he's doing really well. We've not had any major issues this weekend. There are things going on that seem to be directed at Lizze.  Gavin seems to be testing the boundaries and pushing the envelope a bit, at least as far as Lizze is concerned. I have been noticing that Gavin seems to be struggling with more and more areas of his life.  He's having a harder time putting his thoughts together and answering even the most basic of questions. It breaks my heart and I wish we could figure out what is going on.  For right now, I want to just celebrate the fact…