Is it Celiac Disease?

In the morning I will be driving Lizze to the Cleveland Clinic meet with her Gastroenterologist. This is a really important appointment because we will very likely find out if Lizze has Celiac disease. You may recall that Lizze has tested positive for the Celiac antigens.  While this test was done about 7 years ago, you only test positive for antigens if your body is reacting to gluten.  At the time, her colonoscopy was negative and so her doctor at the time, told her not to worry about it. 10 years ago, my Mom was diagnosed with Celiac disease when no one had ever heard of it before. It's believed that my Mom went at least 10 years without being diagnosed and it literally destroyed her body.  She's doing much…


Real men don’t abuse kids with #Autism

Let me start this post by saying this. Real men don't abuse kids with Autism or any kid for that matter. Typically I tend to be a voice of reason. I try not to judge others and I attempt to discourage others from issuing judgements as well. While I'm far from perfect, I do try to lead by example. However, every once in awhile something comes along that has me so outraged that I simply react as a father and human being. Instead of trying to keep my emotions in check, I'm just going to let them out. Think what you will but I would guess many others will feel the same way after watching this video. This is very difficult to watch and if you're prone to swearing, watch…


Feeding Frustrations and Mealtime Meltdowns

I don't know about you folks but feeding my sensory sensitive boys with Autism can be extremely frustrating.  Typically I make several different items for each meal because each of my boys have various food proclivities and even food allergies. The frustrating part is they are so picky that they often times won't eat because of perceived imperfections in their meals.  Sometimes the colors are off or the chicken nuggets aren't perfectly round. Other times I get this tastes funny. Mind you, it's the exact same thing they always get. It's like they can taste even the slightest difference.  Then there are the times when Giant Eagle is out of round chicken nuggets but they have the exact same ones, only they are dinosaur shaped.  My thought is that I'm…


How to hang upside down like a Sloth

Lizze and I have made the choice to try and have as active a Summer as possible.  Exercise is extremely important in managing her pain and it's also important to teach the boys about a healthy lifestyle. We took the boys to the playground last night.  Lizze sat in the car for a little while before coming out to join us.  She's really sore from walking around at the Zoo the other day but she pushed though it for the boys.  While we were there, Emmett became reacquainted with hanging upside down.  If you've followed us for awhile, you'll possibly remember that Emmett used to love being upside down.  In fact, he would typically hang upside down off the couch while watching TV.  It's a sensory thing. Anyways, Emmett wanted…


Elliott’s Stupendous Artwork: See for yourself

So Elliott showed me this today and gave me permission to share it with all of you.  He did this entirely freehand and I think it's pretty darn impressive.  He's definitely focused on Mario but this is just awesome. Our refrigerator is getting pretty full.  We're gonna have to start cycling some of the these pictures out to make room for all the new ones.  This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to find really cool and unique #Autism Awareness Clothing and Accessories, designed by me. ;-) For more ways to help the Lost and Tired family, please visit Help the Lost and Tired Family.


For the love of God….enough already

I've been doing this for almost 3 years now and I've had my share of unpleasant comments on here but lately it's gotten pretty bad. For the record, I don't give a shit if you believe anything that I have to say.  I really don't.  I share what is happening in our lives. It's your choice what you do with it. I started this blog as a sort of digital journal for myself. It's taken off and I'm so grateful for that.  However, just because the site has grown and I put myself out there, doesn't mean that I deserve to be attacked.  In three years, I've never censored comments or banned a readers opinion.  However, as of late, it's become a free for all and I simply can't let…


How being investigated by Child Protective Services has changed me

I'm sitting here alone in my living room because I can't sleep.  A lot has been happening lately and quite frankly, I've been having a rough time dealing with it.  At this point in time, aside from all the health related issues we face, I'm preoccupied with this whole CPS thing. The reality is that it's probably over, at least for the most part.  As soon as they receive the medical records in question and they can verify our story, the case will be closed. Their words, not mine.  Having said that, this whole experience has changed me and honestly it's affected how I approach this blog. There are some things that have happened that I would have shared, prior to this.  However, having been through what we've been through,…


A buffet of community resources

In an effort to help other families out there that are in need of resources that they can't seem to find them, I've added a new resources section in the My Autism Help Forums. This will be a database of community resources, listed by State and then further broken down from there. What you need to do is simply find the thread for your state and inside, post about a resource that you are aware of. If it's located in a county that already listed, simply post it there. If your county isn't listed, just create a new thread and add your resource. I'm adding states as I get the requests for them. It takes a bit of work for each one and It's easier if I simply add them…

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