Saying goodbye to the MRI: Trip to the Cleveland Clinic Canceled

Lizze has decided to reschedule her MRI that was supposed to happen in Cleveland this afternoon.  The reasons behind that are pretty practical. We have very, very limited resources. The other problems is that Lizze has two upcoming procedures in Cleveland, that are more important than the MRI.  We are also limited on our options for the boys while we make these trips.  Basically it comes down to using our resources  more responsibly and prioritizing. That means that we have to be a bit more selective in what we do. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Gavin’s on a roll this morning O_o

Gavin's not having a good day already.  It's like he doesn't care because he already isn't going to his Grandma's, so all bets are off.  It's going to be a very long day if this continues.  Hopefully, he will find his way to making better decisions, at least to the best of his abilities.  We've never expected perfection but like to see an effort being made. Fingers crossed that the rest of the day goes better.  This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Child Protective Services and the future of the @Lost_and_Tired family

This has been a long and emotionally traumatic journey. I've shared this journey with all of you and tonight I'm pleased to announce that the investigation is officially closed. The letter is in the mail and we should have in the next day or so.  They found the accusation against us false and unfounded.  It's over and we won.  I wanted to thank everyone for their support and I'll share more about this later on.  This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


We just survived a massive tantrum

We just survived Gavin having his first, truly massive tantrum since returning home.  He was talking about something that was not appropriate for his little brothers and Lizze asked him to stop at least 6 times and he just kept going.  I was upstairs trying to get some work done and by time I was got downstairs, Gavin was already winding up. The consequences were that he won't be able to spend the night at Lizze's parents on Friday.  He lost it.  The tantrum that ensued was nothing short of massive and full of drama. He was totally trying to manipulate us by his behavior.  I sat in a chair and took a calm, yet firm approach. I was verbally tough but not abusive in any way.  This is the…


Emmett’s fever has returned

The fever part of the fever disorder has returned.  Emmett's officially running a fever along with having the mouth sores and he's absolutely miserable.  His poor little cheeks are beat red and I had to go retrieve some Advil and Tylenol from the Walgreens. These are the only things that can provide him with some comfort.  They break the fever and take the pain away for a little while.  The Tylenol and Advil can even overlap a bit if needed.  Hopefully he'll sleep tonight.  This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Utility Shutoff: Update

The purpose of this post is to help people better understand some of the struggles that families like mine face on a daily basis. It's meant to educate and should not be taken as panhandling. Anyone is welcomed to use the donation button, anytime. However, nothing is ever expected and my only purpose in sharing things like this it to provide insight and perspective. Nothing more and nothing less. As a special needs family, not only do we face the challenges associated with raising children with special needs but we also have to balance the same things that everyone else does, all at the same time. There's no slow setting that let's a catch up or catch our breath. The world doesn't slow down and so we have to do…


My feelings on Equal Marriage Rights

You may have noticed the recent addition of a Red Equal sign in my banner.  This is something that I've been meaning to do for awhile but haven't had a chance to put together.  I don't often share my personal beliefs and opinions on things like this.  That's going to change. In a bid to help you all learn a bit more about me, I'm going to begin sharing more of my personal beliefs on issues that are considered hot topics.  While these topics don't always relate to Autism or special needs parenting, they do help you get a better idea of who I am at my core. While this may turn some of you away because of conflicting beliefs, I'm hoping that if we have differences of opinion, we can…


The Million Minute Meltdown

Lizze was kind enough to let me sleep in this morning.  When I eventually came downstairs, it was utter chaos.  Elliott and Gavin were quietly drawing and having fun. However, Emmett was not.  Emmett has apparently been melting down since he woke up this morning. As soon as I got downstairs, I sent Lizze to bed so she could hide from the noise. There is no comforting Emmett this morning.  It's clear that this fever cycle is taking its toll on him because he's absolutely miserable.  Truthfully, so is everyone else at this point.  Gavin retreated into his room so that he could play cards with Sonic,  Tails and Knuckles (don't get me started). Elliott's continuing to draw and color and I'm trying desperately to provide Emmett with some type…