The silver lining to my son being psychotic

Gavin's had a pretty good weekend.  There have been a few bumps along the way but they barely registered on the scale of things we worry about.  From my perspective, it feels as though he's getting sucked into his imaginary world and that sorta occupies him.  One of my readers point something out that I hadn't considered.  With Gavin spending a great deal of time playing with people/characters that only he can see, it's kinds hard to find the silver lining.  However, as my friend pointed out, the characters he's hanging out with are all good guys.  It's not like he's hanging out with people or things that are dark and violent.  There's the silver lining and it's actually a pretty good one.  In the past, Gavin has gone into…


Confused by the letter from Child Protective Services

We got our letter today, notifying us that the case has been closed.  While that's great news, I'm confused by what I read.  When we were interviewed by the CPS worker, they told us that we were accused of not taking our kids to the doctors. That has been our understanding until reading this letter.  This letter states that we were accused of emotional maltreatment and neglect.  Color me confused........... Maybe that's a generic term for not taking your kids to the doctors?  Either way, we've been cleared and I feel like our good name has been restored. I will say that I wouldn't wish what we've been through on anyone.  Ours wasn't even that bad compared to many other innocent families forced to submit to Child Protective Services because…


Here’s what happened with Emmett at the Emergency Room

Okay, here's what's going on with Emmett.  First let me thank you for the thoughts and prayers.  We really appreciate them.  In a nutshell, Emmett is negative for strep throat. That means that this is entirely a fever flare and a bad one at that.  The ER doctors were awesome and really good to Emmett.  He did really well, despite being scared. The doctors in the ER contacted the doctor on call in immunology and it was decided that since this flare is so bad, we would put him on a cycle of steroids. This is a double edged sword because while it has shortened the flares in the past, it's not good for the immune system and can't be done very often, at least not safely.  We have to…


Emmett’s in the ER @AkronChildrens Hospital

Emmett has gotten so bad that Lizze and I made arrangements and took Emmett to the ER at Akron Children's Hospital.  His fever was high and he was inconsolable for most of the day.  My concern was that he may have strep throat on top to of the fever flare. He's been complaining of his throat all day and that's not something we've seem much of before during a flare up.  There's not really anything we can do about the flare itself because it has to run its course, which is typically about 10 days.  However, if strep throat is involved, we can't let that go unchecked. Here's to hoping were not dealing with anything more than another fever flare.  Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.  This site…


Elliott’s Parrot

Elliott created a bird that would be able to remind him of the birds he fed while not the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. He wants a parrot now and of course, we've told him "not a chance". He did the next best thing and made his own.  Check it out, it's pretty darn creative. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


One of the reasons I love @AkronChildrens Hospital

Emmett's in really bad shape.  He's in so much pain that he's inconsolable.  We tried and failed to get him into his pediatrician and as many of you know, taking an Autistic child to the ER or Immediate Care, doesn't always go well.  I called Emmett's immunologist at Akron Children's Hospital but they were out of the office today as well.  However, I spoke with the nurse on call and explained what was going on with Emmett. I explained about the fever disorder (PFAPA) and how the cycles have started up again.  When I called and she first answered, she thought I was calling in about a trauma because of Emmett screaming in the background.  Anyway, she was so incredibly nice and as a parent to a child with Autism…


Elliott’s Awesomely Busy Artwork

Today's featured artwork is by Mr. Elliott Richard.  This is a very busy Mario compilation. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me

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Meltdowns vs Tantrums: Understanding the difference

My goal with this post is to educate.  I want people to understand what we go through and that can help you understand what others go through as well.  The video included is not easy to watch but it's a key to helping you understand the struggles that families like mine often face. There is a world of difference between a tantrum and a meltdown. The most significant difference is that a tantrum is a willful act, with the goal being to manipulate or change the behavior of the people around them. A tantrum can be defused and the person having the tantrum can hear you and may be able to talk back or respond to your voice. A meltdown is essentially the body purging because it simply can't cope…