Where did my wife go?

I woke up this morning and found that Lizze was no longer where she was, when I fell asleep. When I got up to look for her and found her downstairs on the couch. Apparently, she was driven from bed by relentless hot flashes last night.  I feel terrible because I was not even aware that she was struggling to sleep.  If she woke me up, I simply don't remember. Menopause is a an absolute bitch. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me

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Check out the Quote of the Day: 07/06/2013

I'm so tired of the stereotypes associated with Autism. I hate when people say they know Autism because they've seen Rain Man. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


How we made the bathroom less scary

Both Emmett and Elliott have entered into a phase where they are afraid of being alone in the bathroom.  While Elliott will use the bathroom by himself, he has to leave the door open.  Emmett on the hand, won't go unless he's escorted by Lizze or myself.  They both used to do okay in the bathroom but then all of a sudden, they were afraid.  We did finally figure out what the problem was. Turns out they were afraid of the bathroom closet. With that new information in hand, we decided to find a way to address this and make the boys more comfortable. Lizze and I figured that if we could make the door less scary by decorating it with their artwork. So far so good.  Emmett used the…


Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina

Okay.... Ha ha.  Yes, I said both penis and vagina in the title of this post. There's a reason for that and if we can all stop giggling, I'll tell you all about it.  It all started out with this picture. (See below) Gavin's been really focused on drawing lately.  I've been sharing his pictures almost everyday.  Today however, we had some concerns about his latest creation. He calls this Woman Spider and it's inspired by an episode of Spiderman. In this episode, Spiderman grows extra arms as he's turning into a real spider.  Gavin decided that he wanted to draw a female version of this. If you haven't noticed anything....um...inappropriate, have a look at the picture below and I'll point it out to you. When I first saw this,…


RIP @SamsungSupport Galaxy Note 2 :(

My Samsung Galaxy Note 2 has died once again.  This one was only a few days old and was a replacement for the last one that died.  This one simply stopped connecting to the network. I can't make calls or use the net unless tied to wifi. I've done everything I know to revive it but nothing works.  It worked great for 2 days and then stopped working around lunch time.  At this point, I'm far to stressed out to care. Perhaps I use this phone too much? Perhaps I've come to rely on it too much?? This entire site is run almost exclusively from my Galaxy Note 2 and when it goes down, so does my productivity. I put the sim back into the phone that this one was supposed…


Calling it a night, during the day

Lizze called it a night about an hour ago.  She's having such a bad of a day that she went to bed at 4:30pm. The boys and I are hanging out and watching a movie while we were eating dinner.  I'm really hoping that she will be feeling better in the morning. For tonight, it's just me and the boys.  Overall, everyone is having a good day and Emmett is continuing to feel better and better as the fever flare subsides.  With any luck, the boys will go down pretty easily tonight and I can get some work done.  This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email,…


Confessions of depressed #Autism Dad: Overdue update

It's been a really long time since I've updated all of you as to how my personal battle with depression is going.  The only way to sum it up for you is like this. It could be better but could also be worse.  I've been battling with depression for about 2 decades.  When I say it like that, I feel really old. Currently, I'm taking Paxil and have been for almost 2 years now.  It's made a difference, in the sense that I don't perseverate on things like I used to and I'm generally a happy guy. The downside is that I did experience weight gain and while I can't place all of the blame on the Paxil, it certainly has contributed in that area. It's sort of a trade…


Smurfs in a blender… Aren’t you curious

I took Emmett to Menchie's today.  It was something he wanted for his birthday but we couldn't do it at the time. This is what he made.  I imagine this is what it would look like to put Smurfs in a blender.  Ironically, it's actually Smurf frozen yogurt. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-)