Trying to contain an outbreak while simultaneously driving the monkey to the airport

So keeping Gavin engaged with people in real life, is getting more and more difficult. At last count, Gavin's left family activities today in order to go play cards with his gang of invisible friends.  I'm torn about this whole thing because part of me doesn't want to play into this and subsequently reinforce with him that things things are real. I fear that this would lead to complications and confusion down the road. On the other hand, until we find a combination of meds that work, that effort would likely be futile anyway. At this point, he's not hurting anyone and he's happy and he's not having behavioral outbursts. He's also making his friends stay in his room so as not to confuse his little brothers. Aside from him…


Changes. No one likes changes

Change can be uncomfortable for many people, both on and off the Autism spectrum. With that said, sometimes change is a necessity, in order to move forward.  I'm having to make some changes to this site, at least for the short term. You'll notice that ads are now present within posts and comments.  While I hate the idea of doing this, I simply can't afford to run this site anymore without them. The truth is that I've seen better days and things are tighter than ever. At the same time, the costs of this site are growing exponentially. Ads are a great way to bring in extra money to help offset the costs or hosting services.  Right now this site is paid for through September of this year.  After that…


Specific Cause for Approximately One-Quarter of Autism Cases Found

New Study Published in Nature Journal, Translational Psychiatry, Pinpoints a Specific Cause for Approximately One-Quarter of Autism Cases (via PR Newswire)

Pediatric Biosciences Developing Diagnostic Test Based on Findings SAN DIEGO, July 9, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Pediatric Biosciences, Inc. (PBI) today announced the publication of a new study showing that a significant percentage of women who have children…



The #Autism Quote of the Day: 07/10/2013

Today's quote is so fitting for those of us raising kids with Autism.  I think it personifies what many parents, including myself, feel about our kids.  Enjoy and let me know what you think. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Weigh in Wednesday: 07/10/2013

I want to hold myself a bit more accountable when it comes to my weight loss.  While I'm embarrassed by my weight, I want to share with you all my personal journey towards a healthier weight. Before life took me in a different direction, I worked out 7 days a week, for 2 or 3 hours a day.  I was a body builder. While in paramedic school, I suffered a serious back injury and I never really recovered from that.  I was unable to workout anymore and I became depressed.  I slowly began to gain weight and as of this year, I hit 303 lbs. Thats about 60 lbs overweight and I'm very motivated to say goodbye to that unwanted 60 lbs. Today I'm proud to announce that I'm down…


I hate when the day begins like this

Emmett's not having a good day so far.  He's extremely irritable and doing a great deal of screaming.  It's way too early for any of this and it makes me want to go back to bed and wake up tomorrow. Thankfully, Elliott and Gavin are both in pretty good moods. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Moments like this give me strength

I wanted to share with you all something that gives me the strength to get back up after I fall.  When I get these one on one moments with any of my kids, it really helps to put things into perspective. The other day it happened to be Emmett.  When I get these moments with one of my boys, it helps me to gather the strength I need to pick up and carry on. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me