I’m worried about my wife :(

Lizze isn't doing well today at all.  She's in a great deal of pain and her tremors are really bad.  In fact, the tremors are so bad that she keeps dropping her phone. This is of course, really frustrating and demoralizing for her.  The meds to control the tremors puts her right to sleep and so that puts more on me. This translates to Daddy not getting anything done.  I'm happy to help, don't get me wrong.  It's just that there is no one there to pick up the slack for me. Whatever I don't get done, simply doesn't get done and unfortunately, there's a lot that needs done.  Lizze needed to go lay down a little while ago. Hopefully when she wakes up she's going to be feeling a…


I’m worried about Emmett

Emmett slept great last night but woke up this morning coughing and hacking. He's worse than he was last night.  He's breathing fine so that's obviously a huge positive. I'm having a hard time getting him to drink milk and he's just about out of ice cream.  Having said that, I do remember why the milk and ice cream is so important.  Lizze reminded me that the milk neutralizes the soap solution. Make sense? I'm going to have to keep a very close eye on him.  He's This whole thing is making me nervous.  This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Our Favorite Parenting Tweets This Week

Here are our favorite parenting tweets from this past week, many from local moms and dads:     The second week of camp is always considerably fuller. All the parents who wanted their kids home for the summer have since reconsidered. — Bunmi Laditan…


We just got home from the Emergency Room. Here’s what happened

I'm keeping this short and sweet because I'm completely exhausted and I have a little one to look after right now.  That's right, he's not sleeping.  Basically, Emmett was blowing bubbles today with my Mom, while we were with Gavin at his infusion.  My Mom is always doing crafts with the boys and they love it.  Today they made a homemade bubble blower thing.  Long story short, instead of blowing the soap to make a bubble, Emmett sucked it in and inhaled the soapy water.  He then vomited all over the yard, quite a bit actually. At some point, he must have aspirated some of the solution into his lungs.  This evening we started noticing problems and he would get to the point that he actually couldn't even talk. We…


On the way to the Emergency Room with Emmett

We're on the way to the Emergency Room with Emmett.  I'm concerned that he aspirated earlier today.  Perhaps we're overreacting but everything I learned from all my experience as a paramedic, I'm feeling very uncomfortable with his status right now.  I will error on the side of caution each and every time.  This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


July’s IVIG Journey

Both Lizze and I brought Gavin to his IVIG infusion today.  The E's are staying with my parents for the afternoon.  We arrived shortly after noon and got back pretty quick. Gavin's vitals were good and he's down to 123 lbs, which is awesome.  His heart rate is in the 120 rage during intake and while that's high, it's inconsequential for now.  I will say that Gavin's acting a bit strange but not crisis strange.  He's just off. At this point in time, we have finished up all the prep and his is finally receiving his IVIG.  We have a few hours left on this tiny bag of IVIG. This process takes a really, really long time but Gavin's comfortable and playing a Sonic game on the PS2.  I'm hoping…


Local Moms Create ‘Sh*t Moms of Kids with “Issues” Say’ (MUST SEE)

I want to preface this by saying that while there is one F-bomb, the video is absolutely brilliant. Watching this, I was nodding my head in understanding the entire time. I can absolutely relate to every single thing these Mom’s are saying. I would encourage you to watch and share this because it really helps to put things into perspective for people that have little or no understanding of what special needs parents daily life is like.






Local Moms Create ‘Sh*t Moms of Kids with “Issues” Say’ (via BaristaKids)

Two local moms, Martha and Ruth, have created a video called Sh*t Moms of Kids with ‘Issues’ Say, which addresses the life of a parent with a child with special needs. Between the two, they have five children. ”All of them are great kids, in…
