How Child Protective Services has changed the message of this blog

Ever since this whole CPS thing went down, I have been hesitant to be as honest as I used to.  While being investigated by Child Protective Services was far from pleasant, the CPS workers were.  We were treated with respect and at no time did I feel like they were being dishonest.  I feel like the more honest I am, the bigger the target I simultaneously paint on my back. The last thing in the world I need is more visits by CPS as a result of someone "trying to help". There are things that I haven't shared out of fear that someone won't understand or agree and decide to make an anonymous call. It's sad but we just can't absorb anymore. This whole thing has taken a big toll…


The results of this month’s IVIG infusion (lots of pictures)

I realized that I forgot to tell you all how Gavin's IVIG infusion went.  I'm writing up an article for the Akron Children's Hospital website and so I got distracted. Anyway, the long and short of the situation is that Gavin did pretty well,  at least physically. He put on a bit of drama but nothing we couldn't handle. Gavin's nurse is absolutely amazing and she backed us up the whole time. Here are some pictures of the IVIG infusion process.  I thought it might be interesting for you to see what happens during this process. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Seven Ways To Get Your Child’s Obedience

    Parents often argue about the best way to get their children to do what they ask them. Regardless of the approach, negotiations and power struggles will ensue, and you’ll feel defeated at times, but how do you win the overall battle and ultimately…


My teenager with #Autism and #RAD

When Gavin and Elliott came home from Lizze's parents house today, Elliott was pretty upset. Gavin likes to monopolize the TV while he's at his grandparents house.  This happens at my parents house as well.  Regardless of what anyone else wants to watch, Gavin claims the remote and watches what he wants.  We've spoken with Gavin about this on many occasions.  Elliott was trying to tell Gavin how this made him feel and Gavin was completely blowing him off.  We tried to get Gavin to understand how his actions impact others and he just wasn't having it. Gavin's always been like this but sometimes it's worse than other times.  Overall this wasn't a huge deal. However, that changed when he decided to run his mouth to Lizze in response. I'm…


I’m a Daddy that loves to snuggle my kids

Emmett was having a really rough time and so him and I snuggled on the couch and we both fell asleep.  I think we took a 3 hour nap. The fact that Emmett napped reflects the fact that he's not feeling well. It was really nice to snuggle with him. I'm one of those Daddy's that loves to snuggle with his kids.  To me, it's so relaxing and one of my most favorite things in the world.  Hopefully, the second half of the day will go better than the first. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me