Do you ever feel like you’re letting your family down?

I wrote this big long post yesterday a out everything that's weighing on me. After collecting my thoughts a bit afterwards, I realized that I left something out. It's probably one of the biggest things weighing on me and crushing my soul. Regardless of what anyone says, I know that I'm letting my family down.  I may be doing everything I can but it's barely meeting the minimum requirements. I can't help but feel like my family deserves so much better than what I'm able to provide.  So I guess that means that they deserve better than me.... Someday things will get better.  Someday things will be manageable. Do you ever feel that way? It's a truly awful feeling.  It's almost made worse by the fact that my kids never…



As I was walking upstairs to go to bed tonight, I found Elliott standing at the top of the stairs.  After being startled by this, mostly because Lizze and I were watching Supernatural all evening, we tucked him back into bed. I ended up sitting with him until he fell asleep.  Something was bothering him but he wouldn't talk about it. All I could do was provide whatever comfort I could and respect his wishes not to talk about it. I made sure that he knew I was there for him and I let it go.  Letting it go is so much easier said than done for me.  I'm a fixer by nature and I want to fix whatever is wrong.  Unfortunately, sometimes the only thing I can do is…


Pulling my son back to reality

Gavin got a new deck of playing cards this past week.  He's really excited because it's a full deck and isn't missing any cards like his other deck.  Why is he so excited you ask? Sadly, because his not so visible friends are able to play a game of go fish with an even number of cards. While I'm happy he's happy......... Well, you probably understand.  Anyway, he's spent much of the day in his room playing cards. Lizze and I are trying to pull him out and encourage him to engage with the rest of us.  Not sure what good it's going to do but it feels better than doing nothing.  This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-)…


A pair of Play-Doh Platypi

Elliott and Emmett have been making Play-Doh creations all day long.  For some reason they began focusing on Phineas and Ferb.  The result was what you see below.  Pretty creative....... This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Confessions of a stressed out and overwhelmed #Autism Dad

The Whole Truth I've decided that I'm going to share the things that are currently weighing on my.  I welcome your thoughts but please keep any negative comments to yourself. Until you've walked even half a mile in my shoes, you're not in a position to judge.  Sharing these things is not easy to do.  I'm not proud of how we're struggling but at the same time I am.  The fact that we are struggling means we're still around and that is something I'm quite proud of. Mine is far from the only family struggling. My hope is that I can sorta purge and walk away feeling a bit lighter and less burdened. This is meant to provide you all with a bit more access into our lives and help…


I’m crumbling as resentment is building

Elliott and Emmett are both becoming hurt, angry and resentful of Gavin.  They have begun to take notice of the fact that Gavin is spending more and more time with Sonic and the rest of the crew.  They are upset because they are feeling slighted and left out because in their eyes, Gavin is choosing Sonic over them.  Tensions are mounting and I'm not sure how to handle this.  It's not really Gavin's fault and the boys have a right to be upset at the same time.  Lizze is sick in bed and I feel like I'm crumbling under all the pressure. Everyone is confused and upset and I honestly don't  know what to do.  This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect…