Stay-at-Home Dads: Uncommon and Exceptional – Findings from the 2013 DDB Life Style Study®

Stay-at-Home Dads: Uncommon and Exceptional – Findings from the 2013 DDB Life Style Study® (via PR Newswire)

Study Determines If Stay-at-Home Dads Are Different From Other Dads and Stay-at-Home Moms NEW YORK, June 17, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — DDB Worldwide, part of Omnicom Group (NYSE), has launched a new report from its Life Style Study® that focuses on stay…



Do you ever wish you could skip through your day like you skip commercials on TV?

This is a pretty straightforward question.  Do you ever wish you could skip through your day like you skip commercials on TV? Sometimes I really think the idea of being able to skip through some of my day and no e on to the rest, has merit.  Other times I think I would run the risk of missing something important. What do you think? This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me

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Why does Gavin draw so many female characters?

Gavin drew, completely freehand and from his imagination, this picture of Super Girl. He's getting pretty good at this.  I asked him why he's drawing so many female Super hero's lately.  He simply said, " because they are easier and more complex to draw. O_o This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


John’s Hopkins: Closer to finding out Gavin’s future

I spoke with John's Hopkins this morning about where we stand in respect to Gavin being seen. Apparently, they got a large part of the records needed but they are missing the case notes.  The case notes are a big deal.  I email release forms to the Cleveland Clinic today and hopefully, they should have the records fax over within the last week or so.  It's not really a question of if we are taking Gavin across several state lines to be seen by the best hospital in the country, it's more a matter of how and when. If Gavin is going to be seen in the AT clinic, we will approach this whole thing in a certain way.  However, if Gavin's going to be seen outside of the AT…

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Top Tips to Dress Sensitive Kids

Dressing kids who have sensitive skin can be a battle at times. It’s true that children love to throw tantrums while dressing, but many a times they genuinely get irritatedby certain clothes. For example, tags on shirt result in itching or sometimes…


He’s not a danger to himself or others, yet

I just got off the phone with Dr. Reynolds office.  Dr.  Reynolds is Gavin's psychiatrist and one of the very, very few people who specialize in Childhood Schizophrenia. Anyway, we have an appointment scheduled for August 27th. They also have Gavin on a wait/cancelation list and Dr. Reynolds is going to working to get him in ASAP.  The truth is that Gavin's not a danger to himself or anyone else at this exact moment in time.  While watching him go through this is disturbing, on many levels, he's not doing anything that would require immediate hospitalization or intervention.  My guess is that we'll be in to see him in the next week or so.  Unfortunately, when you're lucky enough to have a specialist of Dr. Reynolds caliber, it's essentially a…


Exciting News

Later on today, a new service will go live in this site.  It will essentially allow real-time chat and discussion. I'm really excited about about his because it means that many doors will open up for my readers and we will be able to have actual chats on whatever topics you want.  Stayed tuned for more information but get excited.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me

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I’m worried about my son

Today is going to begin with a round of phone calls to figure out what to do with Gavin.  It's apparent that he needs to have more work done to his medications. His anti-psychotic medications can be bumped up one last notch before he hits the ceiling.  To be honest, I'm really worried that we are going to be unable to bring him back to a more solid footing within reality.  I don't know of what we are going to do if we are unable to treat this psychotic break.  I also don't know if this is one of those things that will work itself out, if simply left alone.  This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired…