Desperately trying to find balance

Today is Therapy Tuesday.  The bulk of my kids therapy, takes place today. Tonight we have Dr. Pattie and because of Gavin's state of being, we've made arrangements for the two E's and will take Gavin tonight to see Dr. Pattie alone. We need to figure out some type of plan.  The meds aren't working, we know that. So what can we do, outside of medication to keep him firmly ground in reality? Do we force him to engage with others? Do we allow him to spend his time with his visibly challenged friends? I would imagine that we need to find a place in the middle somewhere. We need to somehow find a balance, but how? Hopefully, we'll find some of those answers tonight.  This site is managed almost…


My son is getting lost :(

Gavin's getting so lost right now.  He's been hanging out with Sonic all day today and we've barely seen him.  He did come down to use a calculator to figure out how to divide the deck of cards by four, so he and his visibly challenged friends, have the same amount. Truth is, he's not the only one that's lost. I'm completely lost and have no idea what to do.  I'm scared, overwhelmed, broken and sad.  Stressed out beyond all imagination is something that makes the list as well. It's so hard to focus on anything right now.  We are being pulled under by the enormity of our situation. I need to catch a break and catch it soon. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive…


The medication snafu

So I called Dr. Reynolds office yesterday and requested an appointment because Gavin isn't getting better.  I explained that he was spending less and less time in reality and more and more time in fantasy. A few hours later, we get a call from Walgreens, informing us that Gavin could no longer take Clozapine. Apparently, we had a small miscommunication because when I said Gavin was getting worse, Dr. Reynolds office took that as Gavin was having adverse effects and immediately pulled him off the prescription. Gavin's not having an adverse reaction, it's just simply not working at the current dose. However, now we can't get his prescription filled, until the office corrects everything.  Why does this worry me and warrant a post? For starters, I'm frustrated.  Secondly, Clozapine is…


Emmett’s latest Lego masterpiece

I have no idea what he called this particular Lego creation.  I do know that he moved heaven and earth to put this thing together. This was one of the most frustrating builds he's done. He was so upset because it kept falling apart but he didn't give up and kept putting it back together. Kudos to him for his determination. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


We mourn the loss of a 12 year old little boy with #Autism: RIP Nic Shaffer

My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of Nic Shaffer, the 12 year old little boy who drown after slipping or falling into Mud Creek, while with his Mother and Sister. His body was found on Sunday and positively identified. I can't even begin to express just how sorry I am for this family's tragic loss. Please keep Nic and his family in your thoughts and prayers. No one is to blame for this tragic accident and this could have happened to any one of us. Please hug your children tonight and never, ever take them for granted.


Please pray for my Grandfather today

My Grandfather is in the hospital again and will be undergoing surgery today, to remove a tumor from his bladder.  He's going to be 87 years old and will be going under for this procedure. I know that my whole family would appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Thank you........ This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Be among the 1st in the world to use “CliqueMe”

I'm super stoked to be the very first public website in the world to use the new service called CliqueMe. You will notice the new tag on the right hand side of this blog. Click it and register. We can then chat in realtime as well as create communities that are curated by you, my readers. Everything works very similar to reddit. You vote on comments and conversations by clicking the up or down vote. Just sign up and play around with it. Check out the CliqueMe website for more details. Thi sis a free service and I'm honored to be among the first to deploy this on a public website. If you are interested in deploying this amazing service on your site, shoot me an email and I get…

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