It’s an early night for my kids

Elliott and Emmett have been up since 2am this morning.  I have no idea what's going on but Lizzy and I are getting less sleep than usual.  That's not good. Lizze has been sleeping on the couch because of these menopausal hot flashes. It's much cooler on the first floor and so that where she usually ends up lately.  At some point, Emmett climbs into bed with me and won't go to sleep unless he can put his arm around my neck. It's awfully sweet but incredibly uncomfortable.  I don't know why either of the boys woke up when they did but our goal is not to repeat this tonight. Emmett did take a brief nap this afternoon.  This nap was spent half on and half off the couch. This…


Nominate your favorite #Autism related song

I thought this would be really cool.  There are songs out there that were seemingly written for the Autism community and while they may not have intended that, it still works. Here's what I thought we could do.  Copy and paste the YouTube url of the song you think is the best, most inspirational Autism related song, into the LiveFyre comment box.  You can probably accomplish the same thing via the Google+ comment box as well. I'll do my best to tally up all the votes and take the most popular entries and let the community vote on there favorite.  If your song is already posted, simply like the post or +1 it in the case of Google+. In the end there can only be one.  I'll leave this open…


Medication mayhem

Lizze and I finally got this Gavin related medication mayhem under control.  At least we think we have.  We finished getting Gavin’s insurance switched over this morning a day we got his Clozapine script figured out.  At this point we are simply waiting for the billing to go through so we can pick his meds up. Hopefully, it's smooth sailing from here. Heck, I'd be happy to simply have water that we can safely navigate, it doesn't even have to be smooth. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Weigh-in Wednesday: 07/17/2013

Welcome to the 2nd weigh-in Wednesday. This is a day that I weigh myself, to see how much, if any, weight I've lost.  When I started doing this about 3 weeks ago, I was tipping the scales at 305 lbs. I began watching what I eat, adding a great deal of oatmeal to my diet and walking as often as I can.  Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to get away much and walk. Having said that, simply adjusting my diet began making a difference.  This week's weigh-in is not totally accurate because I forgot to weigh myself before I ate this morning.  To keep things kosher, I was weighing myself before eating, and wearing the same clothes.  Today when I weighed myself, I was as at 290.6 lbs. …


Are you familiar with “survival mode”?

If there's one thing that you should know about my family, it's that we are in survival mode. For those of you unfamiliar with survival mode, it's essentially when you are so far gone, overwhelmed, stressed out or overburdened, that all you can physically do, is struggle to meet your family's most basic needs. This often means that everything else, including laundry, dishes, housework, bills, yard work and social functions, are put on a back burner. Food, clothing and shelter become the only needs that you can manage to meet.  The truth is that this can even be challenging. So any families like mine, exist in a constant state of survival mode. Survival mode can easily be mistaken for laziness and even bad parenting or irresponsibility.  However, nothing could be…

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What happened at therapy tonight?

I thought I would let you know what's going on with Gavin and how our appointment with Dr. Pattie went. I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Lizze and I met with Dr. Pattie tonight.  The E's went to Lizze's parents house and got tubbies.  We weren't sure if we were going to have a talk with Gavin or not.  Essentially, we discussed how much worse Gavin was getting and how we are having an issue getting his meds refilled. We also spoke about the impact all of this was having on the rest of the house. The long and short of it is that we still don't know what we are doing and how we are going to do it.  We did discuss how we are in survival…


How does this happen?

Gavin informed me today that he has a hole in his sheet.  He doesn't know how it got there but he says that he did accidentally make it bigger. You can't tell from this picture but this is a very thick, flannel sheet.  The sheet is fine everywhere else. He claims to have no idea what happened to it and I'm not saying that he's being untruthful, I just wonder what happened. Truth be told, we don't have a surplus of sheets to keep replacing the ones that meet their untimely demise. Gavin is a very rough kid.  He goes through his clothes quite frequently.  Usually pants are the worst because he rips the knees open almost immediately. I suppose it just goes with being Gavin. :-) Do any of…


I’m so sick of this stupid #vaccine and #Autism debate

Why can't we move past the friggin vaccine debate? We have bigger issues, like simply getting through the day. The truth is, even if vaccines were linked to #Autism, it would one of many causes. Vaccine injury is something different.  It's rare but very, very real and absolutely tragic.   I trust my children's doctors a whole hell of a lot more than a celebrity, with no medical background.  I understand that the Gluten free diet helped her son but it doesn't help everyone. Encouraging people to do something and providing false hope is reckless and irresponsible.Please take the things that people like Jenny McCarthy say with a grain of salt.  I view her as very dangerous because she speaks nonsense and people believe her. It's one thing to share…