Why other people can’t bring me down

I wanted to touch base with all of you and let you know that I'm still here.  :-) Normally I write more often than this but today has been a challenging one.  It's nothing we can't handle though. We had some people try to bring us down but Lizze and I aren't going to let that happen.  Here's the thing.  There will always be people that will try to bring you down. When you're in a position like I am and many of you are, it's easy the take those things to heart because we already feel needless guilt for a million different reasons.  It's all part of the special needs parenting package. I chose to just rock on with what I'm doing because regardless of what anyone says or…

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Our trip to the Cleveland Clinic for today is canceled. Find out why

Gavin has an appointment at the Cleveland Clinic. This one is for Urology and it's purpose is to address his bladder control issues. Dr.  Moodley, his autonomic specialist, wants to make sure that there isn't a physical problem with his bladder. The most likely cause of this bladder control problem is the autonomic dysfunction. However, we do need to rule everything else out first. From a psychological perspective, this type of issue is very common with Reactive Attachment Disorder kids and is a willful act. Our goal as this point is to simply rule out a physical problem with his bladder.  Anyway, I made the appointments and put them in the calendar. I say appointments because he actually has 3 of them.  He's having an xray and ultrasound done prior…


Have you ever wondered why I love my life, #Autism and all?

People ask me what I like most, if anything about my life. That's a really loaded question but one that easy to answer. I thought I would share this video I shot of Emmett yesterday.  This is just one of the reasons I love my life.  Just try to watch this without smiling, I dare you.  :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6E22mURBjI&feature=youtube_gdata_player This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Please say a prayer for my Grandfather

As you know, my Grandfather had surgery this week to remove a tumor from his bladder.  The surgery itself went well and we still waiting to find d out if it's cancer. However, he's still in the hospital and my Mom called tonight to let me know that he's not doing so well.  He's still losing blood to internal bleeding and they can't find the source.  He's also running a fever and and his speech is slurred.  They've ruled out a stroke or TIA but they aren't sure what's going on.  Lizze and I are going to be very likely making the trip to Strongsville in the morning with my parents. Lizze's Mom is going to try and get off of work to watch the boys.  I don't know how…


Sick and tired on your Birthday

Lizze is celebrating her 33rd Birthday today.  Unfortunately, she's spent most of the time sick and tired. The boys and I sorta just hung out downstairs while she was resting. I've hardly written at all today as a result.  The boys are all in bed and Lizze wants to just hang out on the couch tonight and watch Supernatural. Sounds like a plan to me....... This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


My thoughts on Jenny McCarthy, #Autism and #Vaccines

I want my readers to know how I feel about this whole Jenny McCarthy and The View debacle. First of all, I don't watch The View and have no intention of changing that. Here's the problem, as I understand it.  Jenny McCarthy has been an outspoken opponent of vaccines for a very long time.  Her crusade began after her son showed what were consider signs of Autism, after his vaccinations. As it turns out, he didn't have Autism but some other genetic disorder that she was able to address with the GFCF Diet.  Did vaccines have anything to do with this at all? I have no idea.  I think that she has the right to share her personal experience as well as her own opinion. However, where I have a…