……and then there were two

The boys are incognito tonight. That's right, they're at their grandparents for the night.  Lizze and I are just relaxing and debating on whether or not to go for a walk.  Truth be told, I'm so tired that I could also just go to bed...... If Lizze feels up to walking, we'll definitely go walking.  It would do her good to get out and maybe even take some pictures.  This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


An afternoon movie with my boys

The boys and I are hanging out in the living room this afternoon, watching Rise of The Guardians. The Boys are so entranced by this movie and sit there peacefully and watching it.  That means that no one is fighting, screaming or freaking out.  It's two hours of time that I can use to get caught up on other things.  Do you have a go to distraction for your kids? This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


The Gavin Effect

I've dubbed the impact that my oldest son Gavin's behaviors have on the rest of family, as the Gavin Effect. The Gavin Effect is in full swing today and it's not even lunchtime yet. Gavin is a quagmire because it's really, really, really hard to tell what motivates some of his behavioral problems and what's within his control and what isn't. He's not only dealing with Autism but also some really dark mental health issues as well. He has the ability to stress out the entire house, including his brothers because he acts a certain way. Here's an example, Gavin pulled his brothers away from what they were doing this morning, so they could play together. When he finally convinced them to play in the dining room, he gets up…

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Puppy Love

It's pretty amazing to see how unique our dogs are.  Bella, our 1.5 year old boxer puppy can be a huge pain in the ass. That said, she's the sweetest dog in the world and a perfect compliment to Maggie and the rest of our family.  Just look at how she snuggled with Lizze on the couch today.  She's essentially standing, even though it looks like she's laying down. Lizze had a really, really bad day and Bella glued herself to to Lizze's side for a large part of the day. This was really cute because Bella held this position for like an hour.  Despite all the stress and constant struggle, we are really blessed in the areas of life that really life. This site is managed almost exclusively via…

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Things you should never say to an #Autism parent

I've been meaning to share this with you all for awhile now. I want to start sharing all the things that I've had people say to me about my kids with Autism. The point of this post is two fold.  Some of us may get a chuckle out of these things because it's happened to many of us before.  I also hope that those outside the community will take notice and learn what not to say to an Autism parent. Feel free to leave your own in the comments below. I'd love to hear from you.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact…


How do you drown your sorrows?

I like to deal with reality.  There hasn't been anything productive to ever come from sugar coating things, at least in my experience.  There's nothing wrong with positive thinking.  I just prefer to deal with the reality of the situation. With that said, today's been a really crappy day.  I've had worse days but I've also had much, much better ones as well. I don't always cope well either. When things get really bad, I stress eat and watch TV.  I've never been a really big drinker so I'm not  much into, that but give me some ice cream and a few hours of Supernatural on Netflix and I'm drowning my sorrows.  I've also been craving Chipoltle as well.  One of their giant, double steak burritos sounds absolutely amazing right…


To all those out there struggling…

I wanted to take a minute and say something to anyone out there, particularly in the Autism/Special Needs community, that may be going through a hard time.  You aren't alone.  Life has a way of seemingly kicking us while we're already down.  This is something that my family has been struggling with for a very long time.  It seems that some days are better than others.  It's important that you remember that you aren't alone in your struggles.  I'm right there with you.  I know that doesn't help remove your burden but perhaps it will help with the feelings of isolation and despair. Personally, I'm quite familiar with these feelings. Just rememeber that there are a lot of us out here that are pulling for you.  Keep your chin up…


Update to our Electricity and Server problems

I wanted to take a minute and update you all as to our current situation. I've briefly shared this on my Facebook page only because my site keeps going down. I just noticed it was back up, so I thought I could hit everyone at one time this way. It looks as though our electricity will be shut off at any moment. AEP came around about 2 hours ago to disconnect us but gave me one hour to make the payment, before returning to disconnect us. We went ahead and tried for a medical certificate, which would buy us 30 days. Unfortunately, Akron Children's Hospital will now only provide a medical certificate if the absence of power will cause death to the child. They told us that a child must…