What I miss most about my life before becoming an #Autism parent

I've been an Autism Dad since 2005 and even prior.  My oldest just wasn't diagnosed until 2005. I'd like to say that our journey has been a smooth one bit that would be a lie. Along this journey, our two other children will be diagnosed as being on the Autism Spectrum as well. Our lives are very challenging but also rewarding. Most of all though, our lives are exhausting. Completely and utterly exhausting. However, knowing everything I know, I would still do it all again. The simple truth is that not a beat of my heart goes by that I don't desperately love my kids, challenges and all.  I would do anything for them as I already have, countless times. Having said that, there are things about my life prior…


Do your kids struggle with food sensitivity?

I was wondering if your kids with Autism have issues with food? Do they have a favorite that they eat almost exclusively? Don't feel bad, my kids are the same way. We've gotten to a point where we simply want them to eat, so if it's Ramon Noodles everyday, than so be it.  That doesn't mean that we don't try to expand their pallet. Unfortunately, sensory issues such as texture, color, smell, visual appearance, taste and even food touching other foods, inhibit progress in this department. Let's trade experiences and see if we can help each other, help our kids. :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me…


Story time with my #Autistic son and his dog

Something that I feel is extremely important for my kids is story time.  Gavin's not really interested and I suppose I wouldn't expect him to be.  Elliott and Emmett on the other hand are at an age where they love story time.  Yesterday, Emmett was having a rough time and Lizze suggested to him that he go pick out 4 of his favorite books and she'd read to him.  He did just that and was officially redirected. It was really cute because Bella wanted to participate and so she climbed up and joined them.  It actually appeared that she was paying attention to the story, as she sat attentively listening.  Do your kids like story time? This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as…


All Hell just broke loose: Update

Update: In a rather stunning duh moment, I neglected to share that from what I have been told, the puppy is doing okay. I don't know details as I haven't seen the dog since this whole thing happened yesterday. However, considering what that poor thing endured yesterday, I'll gladly accept "okay". I wanted to update you all as to what's happened since everything went down yesterday and we had our third vicious dog attack of the summer. I spoke with my neighbor and he informed me that the dog warden was out to visit the owners of the poor puppy that was viciously mauled by the male Blue Nose Pitbull yesterday afternoon. The dog warden will be coming back to deal with the owners of the violent, very, very dog…


Reactive Attachment Disorder: When one parents in denial

We all have our challenges and we all have our perverbial cross to bare.  I've got to say that our oldest child Gavin, is 50 shades of challenge, with 10 shades of mystery on the side. Whenever I think I've finally got him figured out, he proves me wrong. Tonight we were having a rough time getting Emmett and Elliott to go to sleep. Elliott is anxious and afraid but won't tell us what's bothering him, outside of the nightmares he keeps talking about.  Emmett was just in a bad mood and didn't want to go to bed so he was being difficult.  Gavin goes to bed like a dream.  We give him his meds and he brushes his teeth, goes potty and is then off to bed. Tonight, he…


Today’s Backyard Adventure: What’s hiding in our fire pit?

For today's Backyard Adventure, we explored life underneath the rocks, surrounding our fire pit.  While there is an unbelievable amount of life that can be found there, today's focus will be on on creature in particular.  This creature is known as Thamnophis sirtalis, otherwise known as the Common Garter Snake. This is a non-venomous reptile can be found all around North America. During our Backyard Adventure today, we discovered three different Garter Snakes, all fairly young. The Garter Snake can grow up to about 4ft in length but most remain a bit smaller.  The specimens we found in our backyard today most likely feed on crickets (of which there are many), worms and other small insects. As they get bigger they can eat small fish, tadpoles, small frogs and other…

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Today’s Autastic Victory ;)

First of all, I know Autastic isn't a word but it was a nice blend between Autism and Fantastic.  See how that works.  :-) Anyway, the boys have all been getting along today. Nothings perfect but it's been pretty damn close this morning.  Lizze and I were sitting on the couch and Gavin and the boys were sitting on the other one.  Gavin was reading to the boys from the Pokemon handbook. He was teaching them all about the Pokemon they were interested in.  It was really nice to all be able to calmly sit and enjoy each others company.  This doesn't happen very often but when it does, it's an Autastic Victory. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me.…


What makes me happy?

Admittedly, I've not been having a lot of really good days lately.  I'm completely and utterly overwhelmed, with a dwindling sense of hope.  Unfortunately, I can't allow myself to succumb to these feelings of despair because I have too many people relying on me. I have to find ways of snapping myself out of this, so I can find the strength and courage to soldier on. One of the things that I try to do is make it a point to find something that makes me feel happy. My family obviously makes me happy but sometimes, I have to focus on something just for me.  This will probably sound a little strange but I absolutely love The Penguins of Madagascar cartoon.  We have a few of the multi-episode movies and…