What’s the grossest thing your kids enjoy eating?

Elliott is the pickiest eater in our family.  Getting him to try new things is not easy, by any stretch of the imagination. Having said that, he's created a sandwich that he loves to eat now.  It's a barbecue bread sandwich.  It's literally barbecue sauce between two pieces of bread. It really looks gross but he likes it and I can't complain about him trying something way outside of even my comfort zone. Great job Mr. Elliott, I'm so proud of you cresting something that you enjoy eating. With that said, what's the grossest thing your kids have eaten or enjoy eating. I just know someone is going to say poop. If so, please don't feel bad.  My oldest has PICA and I've seen him eat things that make me…

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I wish: To those out that that simply don’t understand life with #Autism…..

Dedicated to all those who can relate   I wish....   I wish you knew what it was like to walk a mile in my shoes. I wish you knew the challenges I face raising a special needs family. I wish you knew that I need help even though I don't ask. I wish you knew how difficult and yet amazing my kids are. I wish you knew how a random phone call could make my day. I wish you knew how isolated and unimportant I feel. I wish you knew how tired I am. I wish you knew how much I hate your unsolicited and insensitive advice, especially in front of my kids. I wish you knew how completely overwhelming life is. I wish you knew how much my…


Support the #Autism Society of Greater Akron by clicking “Like”

Hey everyone. I was wondering if I could get you to take a second and help to support the Autism Society of Greater Akron by simply visiting their page and clicking Like. If you want, you can tell them I sent you :-) Seriously though, this is a fantastic organization. $.81 of every single $1 raised, stays within our community and goes directly to help families and support those with #Autism. If you ask me, this deserves a Like....... I've made it SUPER easy for you. I've created a "Like Box" for their Facebook Page and posted it below. Simply click the "Like" button below and you will be "Liking" the Autism Society of Greater Akron's Facebook Page.


Combating Hate with Hate? My thoughts on the Infamous Pink Letter

Combating Hate with Hate? My thoughts on the Infamous Pink Letter   I wasn't going to address this originally but I have since had a change of heart. We've all read the infamous pink letter. You can read it down below if you haven't.  A great many people are angry over this letter and rightfully so. While my thought may not be popular, I feel compelled to share them regardless. Those of you that have been following me since the beginning, might remember my family being attacked in a similar fashion.  Ours was in the form of some very, very hateful comments.  Here's a quote from that hate directed at my family:  The post can be found here “Let me get this straight… you have three retarded kids. That means that not…


Orientation went great

I wanted to let you all know how orientation at the boys school went.  First of all, Elliott ended up not going. Instead he spent some time with Grandma Gorski. The rest of us went and met the boys new teachers and visited the classrooms.  Everyone is really excited and I feel like this is going to be an exceptionally positive year for everyone.  I think that Elliott will do just fine and perhaps we will make another trip out before school starts next month. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


These little “hiccups” turn what’s left of my hair grey

Lizze and I have never been thrilled with the fact that Gavin is on some of the medications that he is.  Unfortunately, it's not about what makes us happy or comfortable, it's about what's best for Gavin. Because Gavin is so complex, the medications he needs to help manage his life are hardcore. The silver lining in all of this is the reality that his life is dramatically improved by these medications. Gavin and a medication free life are simply not compatible. While this is overwhelmingly positive, we do hit our fair share of hiccups or bumps in the road. Gavin is on a medication called Clozapine. This is a very hardcore antipsychotic. In fact, it's an absolute last resort and is the most tightly controlled medication in the US.…


Special time with Gavin :-)

Lizze and I are hanging out with Gavin tonight. It's been a while since we've had one of these nights. We are watching Star Trek tonight. Not the old ones, but instead the remake from a couple of years ago. Gavin loves SiFi and so we thought we could all watch it together.  It's nice to be able to spend time like this with him. We have a few snacks and are having a good time.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Life without the Social Graces

How many of you out there struggle with your little ones or not so Littles ones on the Autism Spectrum, lacking in the area of social graces? This is an interesting and important topic that I would like to create a dialog about.  It's probably safe to say that we've all been there when something totally inappropriate slipped through the lips of one of our little ones. This always seems to happen at the worst possible time.  :-) Part of this is a lack of filter but at the same time it's also something that doesn't come naturally to many on the Autism Spectrum.  I know that social stories are a powerful tool that we've never had much luck with.  Perhaps we can trade tips and tricks or even a…