The Jury’s back and the verdict is in

The letter from the Cleveland Clinic made it to the Jury commission yesterday.  We were waiting to hear back from the judge to find out if Lizze would be excused from jury duty because of her health issues. This morning, the judge has officially excused her from jury duty. Ironically, Lizze actually really wanted to sit on a jury because it's something she's always wanted to do. Unfortunately, her health won't allow her to partake in the jury pool this particular time. Anyway, she's not going to be held accountable for not being present this week. Thank you to the Cleveland Clinic for helping too ensure her wellbeing. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the…


Operation Hope: Meet Gavin and learn about his challenges

I thought that it might be a good idea to bring everyone up speed on everything that is going on with Gavin. I've got a ton of new readers (thank you) and I think now would be a good time to get everyone on the same page. Operation Hope, is what I call our mission to help Gavin overcome the obstacles in his life. This includes finding any and all ways that we can slow the progress of, cure or reverse his mounting list of very, very serious and life threatening health issues. Gavin is 13 years old chronologically but 4 years old developmentally, in many but not all areas. Gavin loves Lego’s, video games, Sonic the Hedgehog, drawing, writing, reading and going to school. He's very creative and can be…


Frustrated, Worried and Scared

We haven't really had any serious behavioral issues with Gavin lately.  He's been doing really well making better choices and we have been letting him know that. The problems we have been having seem to be a result of continued neurological degradation. Gavin's  been having a lot of pain today and we aren't really sure what's going on.  It almost sounds like reflux but reflux hasn't been an issue for a very long time.  It's frustrating because God live him, he isn't capable of giving us accurate, reliable information about anything really. This is especially true when it comes to his health. Tonight, we gave him a small glass of milk to try and figure out if it was reflux related. We were very, very clear with him and we…


Walked out of the doctors office today after waiting 2 hours

We never did get to see Dr. Reynolds today.  However, I did manage to get all the scripts and refills while we sat there waiting for 2 hours.  It was absolutely ridiculous and I finally pulled the plug and we walked out.  Dr. Reynolds came out and apologized for everything.  I'm pretty upset but I harbor no ill will toward the good doctor or any of his staff.  In fact, I can't say enough positive things about Dr. Reynolds. Anyway, we got what we came for and that's what really matters.  We'll need to get some face time but all the meds are in order and that's what's most important right now. I do need to say that Gavin, while completely engrossed in his tablet, did awesome for that two…


I hate waiting at the doctors office

Been sitting at Dr. Reynolds office with Gavin for over an hour now.  My Mom drove us cause of the bad tire I just discovered on the van. Gavin's quietly playing on his tablet but I but it gets to be ridiculous after awhile.  We always call ahead to find out about any waits, so we can adjust our schedule accordingly.  We did so today as well and everything was running on time and without delay. Of course, as soon as we get there, the schedule goes downhill and we are once again waiting.  Waiting is something that happens quite often for us and generally speaking, it's not that big of a deal. However, I seem to be running short on patience today and if this appointment wasn't so important,…

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The jury’s still out on whether or not we have a problem

I spoke with the jury commission this morning about Lizze's situation. I explained all that we have going on as well as accept responsibility for not doing this last week when we sent in the paperwork. The woman on the phone was very nice and said that I need to have something faxed to them before noon..  If that happens, she will present the letter to the judge and the judge can then excuse her.....hopefully. While this is something we don't usually talk about, one of the reasons Lizze is sick all the time is because of severe IBS and gastroparesis. She's had these for years and both are made worse by stress. I will spare you any more details but suffice it to say, it's pretty bad. The ironic…


Operation Hope: Waiting to hear from the Cleveland Clinic

I spoke with the Cleveland Clinic on Monday. A nurse for Gavin’s neurologist is supposed to call me back to discuss what's going on with Gavin. While on the phone, I decided to check the status of the records transfer to John's Hopkins. As far as that goes, we're dead in the water because they never received the release I signed and emailed back a few knows ago.  I have to do this again and see if Lizze's Mom can fax it from work for us. This has to get done.  Once the release is signed and received bybthe Cleveland Clinic, it will take about 1 to 2 weeks to transfer the records. . That's where we stand at the moment. As soon as I hear anything new, I'll be…


Congratulations to my Dad

I want to congratulate my Dad. His painting company, Gorski Painting, has just earned the title of Stark County, Ohio's Favorite Painter. If you're in the Northeast Ohio area and need a painter, you can do no better than Gorski Painting.  If you're interested in an estimate, shoot me an email and I'm get you connected. Post by Lost and Tired.

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