Find help, support and good conversation at the My #Autism Help Forums

I wanted to invite everyone to join the My Autism Help Forums. We are approaching 200 members and many hundreds of posts.  This is a place to go and just connect with others, learn from each other, seek or offer help or advice and get amazing insight from the adult members with Autism.. Everyone is welcome.  We cover all special needs topics and if one is missing, let me know and it will be added.  A community like this is only as good as its members and our members are amazing.  Check us out and follow us at @MyAutismHelp This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email,…

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I would really appreciate a few dull moments

Today is not going as planned and somehow I'm still surprised. I mean honestly, when does any day go as planned? Pretty much never.   How nice would it be if at least once a week, things went as planned? Pretty fricking awesome, if you ask me. There is a lot of time and energy that goes into planning the events of the day, especially when those events include 3 children with special needs.  I suppose I could say that there is never a dull moment in the Lost and Tired household.  However, that's sounds a bit cliche and in truth, I would really appreciate a few dull moments every now and again. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-)…


I’m no longer a “Real Husband of Autism”

This will be short and sweet but I feel the need to address this.  I get added to Facebook groups all the time.  I'm apparently an admin for many of these pages and I've never actually visited them.  I was recently added to a page called Real Husbands of Autism and listed as an admin. I was asked first and gladly accepted. This was fine at first because I know most of these guys and they're all awesome.  However, there were some very distasteful things being posted and all of our names were attached.  A great many people were offended and rightfully so.  I only learned today what had happened as I haven't spent much time over there.  With that said, I have removed myself from this Page and unliked…


A week of milestones and celebration

This week is going be a big one for me.  I have more than my share of phone calls and emails to do in regards to Gavin's trip to John's Hopkins. We also have the official start to the school year upon us, as well as our10th anniversary. :-) This will be a week of milestones and celebration. I hope you'll  celebrate with us.  This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Family functions with special needs children

This afternoon, we're going to be attending a small family cookout with the boys.  We're all looking forward to just getting out for a little while and having some fun.  We don't go to too many functions but it's nice when we do.  I'll take a few pictures and be sure to share how things go.  Do you go to many family functions with your special needs children? This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me

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#Autism, the teenage years and personal hygiene

In a pleasant turn of events, we have a problem that actually falls into the normal range. Gavin's going to be 14 this January and thanks to that little thing called puberty, he's got a mustache. Gavin's very proud of his mustache  and I understand that.  However, I also sorta think it needs to be shaved.  With him starting school this coming week, we have to decide whether or not his new mustache will accompany him to school on Tuesday. I don't know how I feel about this. On one hand, it really isn't that big of a deal.  On the other hand, I believe his particular mustache is commonly referred to as a porn-stache. Anyway, Gavin was really excited to put a picture of his mustache on the site. …


The chronically ill child

Lizze and I have been talking talking today about Gavin and his health. This situation has become so complicated.  Our journey has taken many unexpected turns and we are left with almost zero visibility. Knowing the right thing to do in even the simplest of situations can be very difficult and have very, very real consequences. The boys have a cousin, celebrating her birthday today.  Elliott and Emmett were going to go and we were going to keep Gavin home because he just got out of the hospital and neither one of us wanted to let him out of our sight.  He's entering what seems to be a new phase in his fragile life and we no longer know up from down. At the very last minute, we decided instead,…


Do you ever get really frustrated with your special needs kids?

Today I find myself really, really frustrated with Gavin. I know it's not really his fault but it's frustrating nonetheless.  Without going into details, I will say that Gavin clogged the toilet so bad this morning, that it took a bottle of drano and 7 hours of plunging to fix.  As I said, I'll spare you the details. I will say that this isn't the first, second or even third time this has happened. He keeps making the same mistakes and just leaves the mess for someone else, namely me, to clean up.  Lizze and I have both tried to show him what he's doing wrong but nothing he just does it again. I'm not really angry with Gavin but at the same time I am. Does that even make…