We’ve hit a major milestone

Later on this morning, I will be sending my kids off to their first day of school.  Some will be returning, while another will be going for the very first time. There will be tears falling from my eyes while I'm crying like a baby, as I watch my youngest leave the nest and begin to spread his little wings. At the same time, we will be celebrating another major milestone in our lives. It was on the 3rd of September, 2003, that I married my best friend. Lizze and I will be celebrating our 10th anniversary. I told Lizze that for our anniversary, I'm giving her a house free from the kids during the day.  ;-) I'm not sure what you're supposed to give for a 10th anniversary but…


Why would he run into a wall, over and over again?

I'm on the verge of losing my mind.  The boys are driving me completely crazy.  Elliott and Emmett are literally all over the place.  Neither one of them are listening and I have grown to hate the sound of my own voice. Gavin on the other hand just informed that his heart rate monitor watch is broken.  Why is it broken you ask? Remember that birthday party that Lizze and I let him go to this past weekend, against our better judgment? It turns out that he spent some time running over and over again, into a brick wall.  Smashing into the wall, cracked the screen and damaged the display.  Now only half of the display works and it no longer works to check his heart right.  We are going…


How would you feel about a Special Needs Parenting Awareness Month?

I was talking about this on Facebook the other day but I wanted to go into more detail here. This is one of those topics that you are either going to agree with or not.  As a special needs parent, I believe very strongly in advocating for my children with Autism and other medical challenges. I feel like it's my responsibility to speak for my children, until such a time they can speak for themselves.  I've been heavily criticized for this opinion but that hasn't deterred me from going what I feel in my heart is right. We have Autism Awareness month and world Autism Awareness Day.  These are times when the world focuses on people with Autism and raising awareness. This is so incredibly important and I think it's…

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Starting the school year on uncertain ground

Today is the very last day of summer vacation for the boys.  In the morning, they will be returning to school for their first day. We just learned that there will be a new principal and that caught us off guard. Both Emmett and Gavin are excited to return. Elliott however, not so much. We got their school supplies ready and uniforms washed.  All we need to do is go to bed tonight and wake up in the morning. I'm not sure how everything is going to go, especially with Elliott. My other concern is Gavin.  The only reason Gavin's behaviors were kept in check at school was the principal. She had developed a relationship with Gavin and he knew she meant business.  All she had to do was just…

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Looking to John’s s Hopkins

I forgot that today was a holiday and so my original plan of tying to begin the process of planning for our needed trip to John's Hopkins may have to wait another day. There will be some calls that I can probably make but some of the other things will have to wait another day.. I'm really hoping to make progress on this front in a timely manner. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me

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Check out Elliott’s artwork

While at the family gathering today, Elliott drew a picture of his new favorite game, Rayman. He's really into drawing right now and I think that's a really good thing.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


I’d say that’s a victory

We don't always have much that goes in our favor. However, when we do we are incredibly grateful.  Today was one of those days where we received some incredible news. Do you remember how we have been struggling to pull ourselves out of foreclosure? If not, we have been struggling most of this year to pull ourselves out of foreclosure. We've been working with our mortgage company to renegotiate our mortgage under their hardship program.  The process has taken a large chunk of this year but we got the official paperwork thus weekend. Our payment has been adjusted and we are in a much better situation now.  Nothing is going to be easy but we now have a fighting chance and that's more than what we had before.  I'd say…


Explaining to my kids with #Autism about winning and losing

Something I'm trying to teach my kids is that not only do you have to be a good winner but also a good loser. Elliott is the opposite of Gavin. Gavin is 13 on the outside but 4 on the inside.  Elliott is 7 in the outside and much older on the inside. While Elliott and Gavin were playing corn hole, Gavin was getting really excited.  This made Elliott feel like he was rubbing it in his face. Elliott got really discouraged and his feelings were  hurt. I explained that Gavin most likely wasn't trying to be mean, he was just excited that he was doing so well. I had to try and explain that while Gavin is 13 on the outside, he only 4 on the inside.  That was…

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