The last appointment for today…..

The boys have therapy again tonight and afterwards, it's straight to bed. I'm completely exhausted and I'm ready for the day to be over.  I haven't heard back from CPS but I did hear back from John's Hopkins today and I have some news on that front.  Look for that a bit later tonight. I just want to make it through the rest of the day and I'll get to the rest of the updates.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Go Team Gavin

Yesterday, while at his IVIG Infusion, someone came into Gavin's room and did art projects with him. This was the result of one of them... :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me

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How many of your kids with #Autism or #SPD would eat these school lunches?

This is not a criticism of Summit Academy Schools at all.  This is merely something I have noticed and fund myself a bit confused.  To me, this seems to be a unsensory friendly lunch menu, especially since it's at a school for children with Autism.  I actually spoke with the school and they said that it's based on the states nutrition guidelines, as per state law. I totally get that.  Elliott and Emmett will eat almost nothing off of this menu and I was wondering if your child with Autism or SPD would enjoy the offerings.  This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


Child Protective Services: Round 2

Alright.... I'm not one to sit around and wait.  I prefer to deal with things head on and sorta cut it off at the pass.  When I learned last night that CPS had been calling our kids psychologist, inquiring about Lizze and I, the only thing I could think to do is call CPS directly and inquire as to why they are asking questions about us.  I don't want to wait until they show up on my front porch again.  I'm also of the mind that if you have questions about my family, just ask. Anyway, I called and left a message asking if we were under investigation.  I would just rather know. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me.…


Not a good morning

Coming off the shock of another possible CPS investigation, neither Lizze or I slept well last night.  This morning, Emmett proved to be a huge handful.  So much so in fact, we knew that there was likely something else going on.  It all began because he wasn't tolerating the uniform shirts.  To be more specific, he isn't tolerating the three buttons at the top of the polo shirt. He absolutely refused to put the shirt on today.  He was so upset that he was dry heaving.  We were confused because he's been fine up until now.  I had to get the other boys to school and so we looked at one last thing before I left and sure enough, we discovered a problem.  He has another sore on his tongue,…


Are we being investigated by Child Protective Services again?

Today has been a really trying day for me personally. I was nonstop all day long driving my kids to different appointments.. Our last appointment for the day was Dr. Patti. While we were there, we learned something that I'm going to just call disturbing.  CPS has been leaving her messages inquiring about Lizze and I. So far, they've been playing phone tag and so Dr. Patti doesn't know any details. She brought it up to us because she wanted to make sure something hadn't happened.  I was in shock because this was the first I'd heard about this ..... Right now, we have two working theories. The first one is that nothings wrong and this is somehow a followup to our previous investigation. Dr. Patti said that the worker…


Why must every single thing be a challenge?

So I got Gavin safely home and immediately left to get Emmett and Elliott from school, so I could drop Emmett off at home and take Elliott to occupational therapy. It was supposed to be a simple process but it turned into any but....... When I got to the school, Elliott (who I thought would be excited to go to OT) was refusing to leave.  I get Elliott into the car and Emmett freaks out because he want to go to occupational therapy as well and simply won't go home.  I had told the boys that Grandma might be picking them up from school and taking  Elliott to school and Emmett home.  They were both upset because I was picking them up and not Grandma.  :-\ Unfortunately, I had to…

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I’ve made it this far…..

Elliott has OT this afternoon, for the first time since school let out.  He's excited but Emmett is upset because he still isn't able to return. That's something I want to address today, as well.  This will require me to likely battle with insurance once again and persuade them that Emmett is worth the investment.  Gavin’s in the very same boat as Emmett. His insurance just dropped coverage of Speech, OT and PT. That needs to be resolved as we.  For now, Elliott will have his weekly outlet back and that's a start. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me

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