Today’s #Autism and #SPD Victory

Sometimes as special needs parents, we need to celebrate the little things in life that some would likely overlook.  For example, who would celebrate that fact that their 5 year old is wearing a sweatshirt? For starters, I would.  Mr. Emmett John, not only dislikes sweatshirts but hates clothes that are baggy. This is a baggy sweatshirt and he's actually wearing it. This is really big for him and for us because as the winter months approach, we have more options for clothes that he will actually wear. Great job Emmett.  :-) . This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired "Like" me on Facebook Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact…


The boys are gone for the day

Lizze and I will have a pretty decent break today.  The boys are on their way to a special walk for Colon Cancer this morning. I may honestly just go back to sleep and be unproductive today because I'm completely exhausted. I hope that all of you are finding this weekend to be as peaceful and relaxing as possible.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired "Like" me on Facebook Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me   Setup of an account with Bluehost and I get paid. If your looking for a host for your website or blog. Click the image below and check out Bluehost. It's what I use.


The boys are going to Cleveland

In the morning, the boys will be going to Cleveland with my parents to dona walk for Colon Cancer. They're all excited to go.  Lizze isn't feeling well and I have to work, so we are both going to stay behind.  This will be good for the boys and I know they will have a good time.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired "Like" me on Facebook Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me   Setup of an account with Bluehost and I get paid. If your looking for a host for your website or blog. Click the image below and check out Bluehost. It's what I use.


Hopefully, we get nothing but good news

This coming week is going to be a busy one.  On Monday, Lizze will be at the Cleveland Clinic having an endoscopy done. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure why we are doing this but it has to do with her gastroparesis and they will be doing biopsies to officially rule out Celiac Disease. Unfortunately, this will be happening smack dab in the middle of the day. We're having to make arrangements for the boys to come home from school.  What sucks is that they don't give you the time of the procedure until 2 days prior and when you have a special needs family, that can make making arrangements difficult. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly and we will get nothing but good news.  :-) This site is managed…


Do you ever feel hopeless?

Are you a special needs parent? Do you ever feel hopeless? Well, you're not alone. I'm right there with you. I go through periods of time where I get so overwhelmed, that I feel like things will never get better. Like I'll never find a way to manage everything. It's not easy to feel this way and still find the strength to pick up and keep fighting. Right now I'm in one of those places where I just don't even know what to do next. I feel like every obstacle is insurmountable and there's no way that I can keep things going.  In my case, I'm worried about a great many things that I have no control over and so I think that leads, or at least contributes to that…


The migraine

Lizze is having a really rough day.  Her migraine has her in tears but she's pushing through it, so she can be as much help as possible.  I sent her to bed a little while ago. The boys for the most part, are doing really well today.  Elliott woke up at the buttcrack of dawn with a sore throat and climbed into bed with us.  He's since feeling better. Gavin is having a great day behaviorally but is otherwise struggling.  He's fallen or hurt himself at least twice today. The falls are usually going up the steps and his injuries are nothing significant but they upset him. All I can do at this point is encourage him to slow down and take his time. He tends to move too fast…

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The 2nd week of school

With the end of the 2nd week of school yesterday, I thought I would update you all as to how it's going so far.  The simple answer is that school is going well for all three boys.  The more complicated answer is that while they're doing well in school, we are seeing some transitional issues, especially with Emmett. Things like aggression, have reared their ugly heads again. I'm hoping the aggression will subside as Emmett adjusts to the demands of the classroom environment. I'm hoping that all is going well for yourselves as well as your children.  The beginning of the school year can signal many behavioral issues as our kids adjust to the new routine. This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as…


My final thoughts on the Kelli Stapleton Tragedy

I'm not sure if this will make any sense but it was all stuck in my head and I needed to share this before trying to go to sleep. I've been reading all these posts by bloggers around the internet and other people just wanting to sharing their opinion on the how's and why's Kelli Stapleton tried to murder her daughter Izzy and then herself. While I in no way shape or form, either support or agree with what Kelli Stapleton did to her daughter, I'm saddened by all the hate I'm reading. Just so we're very, very, very clear. What Kelli did is unforgivable and without question, she should be held accountable. Having said that, I've read some truly awful things online this evening. It appears that many people are…