I need your advice

I'd like to say thank you for all your support.  I recognize that by putting our lives out there, people are going to comment and share their opinions.  Generally speaking, I welcome this because in most cases the dialog created helps to shine a light on a specific topic.  This is something that many people find useful. I just wanted to say thank you for all the love and support.  I also wanted to apologize for anyone that has been verbally assaulted by other readers. In the 3 years I've been blogging, I've never banned a user or censored anyone.  I've always felt that even the negative/ignorant/hateful comments serve a purpose.  They help to highlight what we face in terms of judgement and ridicule. I feel like I may need…


What did we learn from the endoscopy?

We just arrived home from the Cleveland Clinic and picking up the boys.  Lizze's Endoscopy went really well.  The biopsies were take and in a weird twist, Lizze remembers the procedure...  :-( We'll have the results back from the Celiac and H-pylori tests next week. This will sound really weird when I say this but unfortunately, everything looked normal. In fact, it even looks as though that she doesn't even have gastroparesis, as was previously thought. I say unfortunately, not because I wish she had something wrong, but instead because at least we would know what was causing her problems and we could do something about it. If the test comes back positive for Celiac, we know how to address that and relieve her symptoms.  If her stomach was still…


Waiting in pre-op with Lizze

Lizze is all prepped and ready to go.  We've been sitting in pre-op for what seems like forever.  There were 2 patients ahead of her and it should be her turn any time now.  Hopefully this endoscopy with provide answers and we can finally improve the quality of her life.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired "Like" me on Facebook Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me   Setup of an account with Bluehost and I get paid. If your looking for a host for your website or blog. Click the image below and check out Bluehost. It's what I use.


We’ve arrived at the @ClevelandClinic for Lizze’s Endoscopy

We've arrived at the Cleveland Clinic's Strongsville location. She's getting ready to go back into pre-op and have her endoscopy done.  She's done this a few times already but is still really nervous. This is the first of two procedures this month. Her next one is on the 30th and will be her gastric empty test. That one will last about half a day and will provide us with some very important information about her gastroparesis, including how severe it is and what treatment approach we will take.  Please keep your fingers crossed today and maybe say a prayer as well.  Thanks everyone...... This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired "Like" me on Facebook Visit the My…


Mission “Get the kids in the car and off to school” a success

Despite his attempts to the contrary, Emmett successfully made it to school this morning.  Elliott and Gavin were very cooperative today but Emmett dug his heals in and refused to go.  I wasn't sure what we were going to do if he continued to refuse.  Thankfully, I was able to bribe him with a Mento and now all is right with the world.  I'm gonna have to keep Mentos on hand for just such occasions.  I'm not afraid to admit that sometimes I resort to bribery in order to win the compliance of one of my children.  I don't make it a habit but it's been know to happen.  ;-) This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired…


This morning has been filled with screaming and refusals to cooperate

Emmett has decided that he no longer wants to go to school. Have you ever tried to get a little boy with Autism ready for school when he doesn't want to go? I imagine many of you do. For those that have never had the pleasure, your not missing out. This morning has been filled with screaming and refusals to cooperate. This is not how I like to start the week.  :-( I hope Monday is treating you better.  As for me, I think that I'll continue to hate Mondays...... This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired "Like" me on Facebook Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me   Setup…


My concern for Gavin deepens

As many of you know from my earlier post, the boys did a walk for Cancer today. They went to Cleveland with my parents and had a really good time, for a really good cause.  They had a really good time and behaved very well.  :-) However, when they came home, my parents pulled Lizze and I aside to let us know that they were concerned about Gavin.  They noted that Gavin was very pale, sweaty and clamy on the car ride up. These are all signs of a pending Autonomic Crisis. After the walk, he complained of chest pain again.  :-( My Dad also made the comment that Gavin's not all there anymore. He's slipping and it's becoming more and more apparent to those around him.. The latest example…


Update on Lizze’s health

Lizze is really, really not doing well today.  I don't often focus on her health but I think I will try to keep everyone updated. For one thing, people are always asking and Lizze has had a harder time keeping up with her blog lately as her health gets worse. Anyway, she's not been sleeping well at all. Between the temperature change, the hot flashes, stomach problems and her ever present, unrelenting migraine, she doesn't sleep well at night.  For some reason the hot flashes are worse at night. We're hoping that by the end of the month we will have a better understanding of her gastroparesis and perhaps a treatment plan.  This could provide a dramatic improvement to her quality of life.  She finally fell asleep about an hour…