Are your kids with #Autism very “literal” minded?

I spoke with the school this morning concerning Elliott eating lunch all alone.  Elliott was upset because he thought he had to eat lunch alone and did so for the last 2 days.  He was under the impression that because he packed his lunch this week, that he wasn't allowed to eat with his friends that ate the cafeteria food.  This was a sad misunderstanding. Turns out that earlier this week, the teacher on duty in the cafeteria asked Elliott to scoot all the way down, as he was the first in line and they wanted to begin filling up the tables.  Elliott, being very literal minded, moved all the way to the back of the cafeteria, where he sat all alone for two days.  He was heartbroken because he…


I need your opinion please

I'm trying to make commenting on this site as user friendly as possible. To that end, I'm experimenting with adding Facebook comments to this blog. I need to know what you all think of this because this is for you. Please take a second and let me know what you think. The one advantage to Facebook comments is that all comments will sync with Facebook to keep things seemless. Let me know what you think. :-) [socialpoll id="2171682"]


Would you remove #Autism from your child if you could?

Please keep in mind that the answer to this question is likely to be different from person to person and each child with Autism is different. With that said, I have a big discussion going on at our Facebook page about this very topic. at the time of writing, there have been almost 100 people share their thoughts. Below there is a link to the actual thread. You can leave your comment there or in the comments below. Whichever you prefer is fine with me... :-) Post by Lost and Tired.


Is there an app for that? Where are the apps for Adults with #Autism?

It occurred to me today, as I was patiently waiting for our iPad to update to iOS 7, that there is a huge focus on apps for kids with #Autism. That's fantastic and you can find a plethora of apps for both iOS and my personal favorite, android. :-) Having said that, how many of these apps are designed with adults on the Autism Spectrum in mind? I won't pretend to know everything that an adult with Autism would need in an app but I have a few ideas. Essentially, I thought of what my kids would benefit from, as they seek to gain as much independence as possible. Here are a few of my ideas: 1) User friendly day planner (calendar) - This would help to maintain appointments and…


Moving mountains

There has been a rather significant change in plans, as it relates to Gavin and his fragile health.  For the life of me, I can't remember if I have shared this yet or not.  It was decided, after John's Hopkins reviewed Gavin's records, that they were not the right place for him to be seen.  They made a recommendation and after conferring with Dr. Moodley of the Cleveland Clinic, it was also agreed that this was the best move.  This new move is to get Gavin to a specialist at NYU. This particular specialist is a former colleague of Dr. Moodley.  This actually makes us feel very comfortable because Dr. Moodley is amazing and if he already had a relationship with this doctor, that would have many advantages.  As of…


Thank you Gavin

We overslept this morning and so it was a bit chaotic getting everyone ready for school. Emmett and Elliott were very uncooperative and that didn't help matters. On the other hand, there's Gavin. Gavin was very cooperative today and that made everything that much easier.  For that reason, I want to say a very big Thank you to Gavin for his making this morning survivable.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired "Like" me on Facebook Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me   Setup of an account with Bluehost and I get paid. If your looking for a host for your website or blog. Click the image below and check…


Teaching your child with #Autism, personal hygiene

I wanted to have a discussion today about Autism and personal hygiene. We have one child with Autism entering into the teenage years and personal hygiene is something that doesn't come easy. Today's discussion is going to be about helping your child with Autism, develop good personal hygiene. We can ask or answer questions, trade war stories, tips and tricks, as well as any humorous experiences that we feel comfortable sharing.  Sometimes we just have to laugh to keep from going crazy.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired "Like" me on Facebook Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me   Setup of an account with Bluehost and I get paid.…