My heart broke this morning

This morning was another eye opener for Lizze and I both.  We realized just how far gone Gavin is and it's heartbreaking. While he was getting ready for school this morning, he needed clean school pants.  Lizze told him that his pants were on the back of the couch, next to Elliott's.  Gavin went to look for his pants and couldn't figure out which ones were his.  Now Gavin's got about 2 feet on Elliott and so their pants are clearly different. Still, he couldn't determine which were his.  We had to walk him through figuring out the difference.  This is really concerning for us and something that makes us realize just how bad he's getting.  My heart broke this morning. This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy…


This is why I hate Monday’s

This morning was filled with meltdowns and challenge. It's Monday morning and I'm already reminded of why I hate, loath and otherwise despise Monday's. It's because everything that can go wrong, does go wrong. The morning was going so well. However, as soon as I went to help Emmett with his coat, he completely lost it. He refused to wear a coat because he has to hang his coat up in a hanger at school.  Using a hanger is something he struggles with.  We tried every solution we could think of. We explained that his teacher could help him, he could also just shove his coat into his backpack or Daddy could walk him into school and help him hang his coat up.  He wasn't having any of it.  Lizze…


Good night my angels

I love my boys so much.  Despite all the challenge and frustration I may experience during the day, it's moments like these that make it all worth it.  If I'm being totally honest with you, much of the time I feel like a failure as a parent.  With that said, at the end of the day, when I see my boys sleeping soundly and safely, I realize that things may not be so bad afterall. They have a roof over their heads, food in their belly, clothes on there backs and parents that love them more than anything in the world.   :-) On a side note, Gavin sleeps with his eyes open and I was afraid the flash would wake him up. That's why his picture isn't below. This site…


Reaching out to NYU for help with our medically fragile son

Beginning Monday morning, I will reach out to NYU and speak with them about Gavin.  The Cleveland Clinic has already referred us and transfered all the records. To be completely honest, while this trip is a necessity, I have no idea how we are going to pull this off.  The trip to John's Hopkins was going to be tough and so will making the trip New York, especially going into the winter weather.  I don't know if making the trip will even make a difference.  I hope that speaking with this new doctor at NYU, will give us a better understanding of the pros and cons of trying to take Gavin across several state lines, by means of automobile.  There are risks involved and the end will have to justify…


Just for fun, where in the world are you? :-)

So, the other day I was looking over my Google Analytics and I realized that I literally have readers in almost every country in the world. That's so incredibly cool. Check out the picture below. It's a map of all the countries that my readers reside in. Everything that's in blue is a home to my readers. There are only about a dozen countries that I have not had a visit from.  I just thought this was really cool and I was excited to see all the recent places that my blog has visited. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to learn where you all are from. You know that I reside in Canton, Ohio. I would love to know what State or Country you call home. We're like…


The human side being an #Autism parent

Do you ever get frustrated with your kids? I sure as hell do.  Getting frustrated is part of parenting and something that's just part of the special needs parenting package, at least for me.  Tonight the boys hung out with Lizze's parents.  When I went out to greet them as they pulled up, Gavin immediately began telling me that he had a stomachache, "because I drank too much liquid".  What the hell does that mean? The only thing he's allowed to drink, per doctors orders, is water.  He's allowed 2.5 liters of water per day.  It's been this way for over a year now. When he got into the house, he was talking about puking and was being what appeared to be, dramatic. I had to get him to calm…


Gavin’s latest Artistic Endeavor

Gavin's been very focused on drawing as of late and he's getting pretty darn good.  His latest Pokemon drawing,  Charmander, was drawn freehand and he's quite proud.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired "Like" me on Facebook Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me   Setup of an account with Bluehost and I get paid. If your looking for a host for your website or blog. Click the image below and check out Bluehost. It's what I use.


Product Review: Weight On Me Weighted Blanket

Product: Weight On Me Weighted Blanket Weight On Me's Facebook Weight On Me's Twitter Weight On Me's LinkedIn Weight On Me's Website Weight On Me's Contact   Weight On Me Weighted Blanket Product Description Size: Twin-Sized "Teen/Adult" Blanket 42x72" Price: $117.00 Where You Can Purchase: Webstore Colors: Various   My Review A few months back, Weight On Me contacted Rob offering to send weighted blankets for Gavin, Elliott Richard, Emmett John and myself. Emmett John already had one but the rest of us were in desperate need of our own, so we were incredibly grateful for their kindness.   Their webstore was helpful during the ordering process. They outline tips and guidelines for choosing the size of your blanket and the proper weight. They also have an extensive fabric gallery…