By now it’s no secret that I’m working on GPS Tracker project. It’s targeted at kids or adults with Autism, as well as persons with alzheimer’s. Basically, we are looking to provide a means of quick and safe recovery of persons who tend to wander off.

In order for us to help the greatest amount of people, we need your input.
I have been asked to reach out to the Autism community and pick your brains. What we want to know is this. If you could design the perfect device for your loved one that wanders, what would it be?
Examples of things to keep in mind are as follows:
1) Size
2) Shape
3) Means of attaching the device to your loved one
4) Features (LCD screen, alerts, tracking options, etc)
5) Color
6) How you would make it sensory friendly
7) Expected battery life
8) Do you want to ability to “listen in” using this device
9) Water Resistant
10) Do you want to be alerted if the device is removed
11) Removable Battery
12) Tracking and locating options (ie Android or iPhone apps)
These are just a few things to think about.
We are also hosting a giveaway as well. One of the optional entries are to share what the perfect GPS tracking device would be for your situation. Follow the instructions on the rafflecopter widget below.
Use either the Livefyre or Facebook comment forms below, to answer the questions. Please copy the question into the comment prior to answering it. This way we avoid any confusion.
Good luck.