We met with the principal this morning

Lizze and I met with the new principal at the boys school this morning.  The topic was Gavin’s situation yesterday.  For those new to the party, basically, we learned that when Gavin was going to his teacher's for help because he was either in pain or not feeling well, they would respond with "well, what do you what me to do about it?" Obviously, this was very, very concerning.  Now that we are all caught up, on to this mornings meeting.  Lizze and I approached the principal this morning and without any question, he made time for us. We explained what Gavin told us and that we basically wanted to make sure we brought this to his attention, just in case this wasn't a misunderstanding.  We know that Gavin can…


How would you react if your child with #Autism came home from school and told you this….?

I wasn't going to share this at first, not until after we had met with the school. However, I think it's important to see how we handle a situation like this. I hope this helps someone or there. Everyday when I pick up the boys from school I ask them how their day was.  When I got to Gavin, he explained that he lost 2 points today.  I asked him what happened and he said that he got frustrated in Math class and that cost him a point.  That's a known problem and his math teacher is working with him.  He further explained that he lost a point in reading because he had a stomachache and he couldn't pay attention.  I asked him if he had told his teachers he…


Check out Gavin’s latest Artwork

Gavin spent some time today drawing his new favorite character, My Little Pony.  He's particularly proud of this one and he wants you to notice the little cloud under its wing.  I don't remember what that's called but it's important. :O Feel free to leave your positive comments below.  Gavin loves your feedback.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


We had a last minute #IEP meeting today

We got a phone call from the school this afternoon asking if we could come in a bit early and go over some of Elliott's IEP stuff.  We basically, had to sign some consent forms and okay a few other things.  The entire process took about 15 minutes and was as painless as I can imagine being possible.  :-) I did add something to his IEP though.  Lizze and I want him tested for any reading dysfunction.  He's been transposing his letter and numbers on and off for years now.  Lately he's started writing this game as a mirror image.  What I understand is that this is still relatively age appropriate but we want to make sure that he's okay and so they are going to test him.  I love…


Confessions of a Special Needs Dad: Dead Ends, Tears and Heartbreak

I have a confession to make.  I have been putting off calling the Dysautonomia Clinic at NYU.  I should have called on Monday but I was scared.  Right now I feel sick to my stomach and utterly helpless.  I was afraid to call NYU because I was scared to death of what they would tell me about Gavin.  Deep down, I had this nagging feeling that this was going to be another dead end and I simply couldn't face it. We've hit so many dead ends already. I was also afraid that they would want to see him and there would be no way for me to get him there.  I worked up the courage to call NYU this morning and my fears were confirmed. They won't see him.  Logically,…


The #Autism Awareness Minute

I'm trying something new today.  It's called the Autism Awareness Minute.  Let me know what you think.  :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYyHhBZMtc8&feature=youtube_gdata_player This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me

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The boys are off to school but Gavin’s a bit out of it today

Lizze and I dropped the boys off at school this morning.  Everyone got ready and out the door with little or no issue. Gavin however, is just off today.  He's not having behavioral issues but he's just not making a whole lot of sense. I didn't capture it in this picture but when the Gavin walked through the door to the school, he let the  door slam in Emmett and Elliott's face.  That's very unusual for Gavin.  Normally, he's nothing if not polite and always holds the door for those behind him.  Even one of the teachers came out and opened the door for the E's and then spoke with us for a minute.  We were both reacting to the very same thing and she said that she would remind…

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This was time well spent

Lizze and I took the boys to the park today before therapy.  We had a mixup with the times and found ourselves with about an hour to kill.  We decided that we'd go to the park, walk the track and let the boys get some wiggles out.  I don't know about your kids but mine have wiggles to spare. O_o I have to give props to Lizze for coming along.  She's been having a rough week with all the weather changes and this was probably the last thing in the world she wanted to do.  That said, she did it anyway....and I'm really proud of her.  I know it wasn't easy and she's in a lot of pain but she did it.  :-) The boys had a really good time…