Elliott took a stab at drawing a new character

For whatever reason, the boys are really into My Little Pony.  Even Gavin's friends at school are into the whole My Little Pony thing.  Anyway, Elliott took name stab at drawing some of the My Little Pony characters.  Please feel free to leave your positive feedback below.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired "Like" me on Facebook Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me   Setup of an account with Bluehost and I get paid. If your looking for a host for your website or blog. Click the image below and check out Bluehost. It's what I use.


A significant change in Gavin’s Meds

I wanted to update everyone on a pretty significant change to Gavin's meds.  One of the things that have been causing or contributing to Gavin's sleepiness in the mornings is that fact that he was taking Ativan. He was taking Ativan twice a day, in order to suppress his nervous system. This was part of his treatment for his autonomic dysfunction.  During our last appointment with Dr. Moodley, it was decided that we were going to try and wean him off the Ativan because of the risk of addiction or the meds losing effectiveness. Over the last 3 weeks, he has been successfully weaned him off and is officially Ativan free. The Ativan is currently being used to only treat a crisis.  When a crisis begins, we immediately give him…


I’m worried sick about Gavin

Tonight we had a really bizarre occurrence that ended with me overwhelmed and freaking out.  It started out with Gavin coming downstairs and asking if his vision getting blurry means he's having a crisis? It ended up turning into a really frustrating conversation with Gavin that had me at my wits end.  Basically, we learned that his vision has been getting blurry and he just didn't think it was important enough to tell us about.  I'm freaking out about his health to begin with and this scares the crap out of me. I mean he was just recently admitted to the hospital for this very same issue and he doesn't think it's important.... What's even more frustrating is the fact that we can't get any reliable details out of him…


Check out Emmett’s “Dinosaurs at bedtime”

I was working with Elliott on a science report this afternoon after they got home from school.  All of a sudden Emmett came running into the living room to show us a surprise. This is what we received.  Emmett explained that it was "Dinosaurs at Bedtime". He told me that he used the colors in the sky to make it look like it was almost bedtime (aka dusk).  He too stinkin cute.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


When it comes to your kids with #Autism, do you shoot first and ask questions later?

I'm interested in hearing how you all handle situations in which your child with #Autism, may have been treated wrong. Maybe it was a teacher, fellow student or just some random person. For example, this week we had the issue with Gavin's teachers.  How do you react to situations like that? Are you a shoot first ask questions later kind of person? I certainly wouldn't blame you, as I can be the same way. Are you the kind of person that takes a cooler heads will prevail approach? Obviously, your reaction depends on the  circumstances.  Sometimes, when it comes to my kids, I'm ready to kill someone before I know all the facts. Other times, I realize that there are likely two sides and I want more information before committing…


Is your child with #Autism safe?

I've spent the morning thinking about Gavin, as I often find myself doing.  I'm worried about a million different things with him however, I realized that we have a very serious problem when it comes to him that I hadn't thought about. As Gavin continues to cognitively regress, it becomes increasingly more obvious that he can't be left to his own devices. Here's my concern.  I'm not even sure what triggered this thought but it's definitely a concern.  If Gavin were ever approached by a stranger and asked to either get into their car or go with them, he would very likely do it.  That's really, really scary. We've talked to Gavin about this countless times, as we have with Elliott and Emmett. With Gavin however, I truly don't think…


Generalization is so hard to overcome

Holy crap balls, today was a rough start. One of the biggest challenges the Lost and Tired family faces in regards to Autism is generalization.  In the eyes of my kids, if something happens once, it will always happen. This morning, Emmett was freaking the frak out because we wanted him to wear his coat. Apparently, at some point, he had a problem with hanging his coat up on a hanger at school.  Because of his perception that he must hang his coat up on a hanger (which turns out to be an incorrect assumption), he refuses to wear a coat. He has a full on meltdown now, every time we try to get him to wear a coat to school now.  What's so frustrating about this is the fact…

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Dealing with problems at my son’s school

I wanted to update you all as to how the issues with Gavin's teachers were resolved. I am going to be completely honest with you about my feelings on this issue because I'm hoping that our example can be of benefit to others.  Before picking up the boys today, I spoke with the principal.  He explained that he spoke with the teachers and they said that it was a misunderstanding. That being said, before I say this, I'm still very much a huge fan of this school. I've never claimed it was perfect but it's been overwhelmingly positive.  My personal opinion at this point is one of doubt.  I don't doubt what the principal was telling me but instead what he was told by the teachers. What the teachers claim…

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