The morning has been filled with fighting and zombies

Okay, so the zombie thing didn't really happen but it was pretty rough and there was a lot of fighting, just not against zombies.  The boys woke up extremely early this morning.  By boys I mean Emmett and Elliott. By early I mean between 3am and 4am. Emmett climbed into bed with us and attached himself to Lizze.  He made for a very painful nights sleep.  I'm not sure why we didn't take him back to bed, it would have been better if we had. Before to long, the fighting began.  Elliott and Emmett were at each others throats and the battles often resulted in one or both of them to come running into our room to tell on the other. Gavin slept through everything, as he typically does. Lizze…


Today’s #Autism Family Victory

While today was not without our share of challenges, we ended up having a pretty good day. The boys got along really well and we had a relatively quiet evening.  I introduced them to Man vs. Wild on Netflix and they loved it. They all sat together on the couch, engrossed in what they were watching Bear Grylls do to survive some god awful places. They couldn't understand why anyone would eat giant insects and it led to a really interesting conversation.  This was without question, an Autism family victory.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired "Like" me on Facebook Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me  …

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Is your child with #Autism sensitive to gluten?

I just read an article that says they scientists have officially linked Autism and gluten intolerance.  They aren't saying it's the cause or that eliminating it will cure Autism. Instead, they have found a link between kids with Autism and gluten intolerance.  Not all kids with Autism are affected but they apparently found a large number that carry antibodies for gluten, that seem to cause an immune response.  They kept referring to celiac disease as a gluten intolerance and I'm not sure that's accurate.  My Mom has Celiac Disease quite bad and it almost killed her.  That's more than an intolerance. Here's the original article: Here My question to you is this.  Are your kids sensitive to gluten? Have you tried to limit or remove it and if so, what…


Finding balance as an #Autism parent

Gavin asked if he could help me do some yard work today. This typically means that it's going to take twice as long to do what I already don't have the energy to do. However, I usually welcome their willingness to help because that means I get to spend some time with them and maybe teach them something useful. Overall, Gavin did pretty well today and I was really grateful that he wanted to help.  Unfortunately, it also gave me a better idea of how much of everything he's lost over the years.  I had to stop and correct him several times for the very same thing.  These are all safety related issues and while I'm not above letting him learn the hard way at times, he doesn't ever really…


Elliott took a stab at drawing a new character

For whatever reason, the boys are really into My Little Pony.  Even Gavin's friends at school are into the whole My Little Pony thing.  Anyway, Elliott took name stab at drawing some of the My Little Pony characters.  Please feel free to leave your positive feedback below.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired "Like" me on Facebook Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me   Setup of an account with Bluehost and I get paid. If your looking for a host for your website or blog. Click the image below and check out Bluehost. It's what I use.


A significant change in Gavin’s Meds

I wanted to update everyone on a pretty significant change to Gavin's meds.  One of the things that have been causing or contributing to Gavin's sleepiness in the mornings is that fact that he was taking Ativan. He was taking Ativan twice a day, in order to suppress his nervous system. This was part of his treatment for his autonomic dysfunction.  During our last appointment with Dr. Moodley, it was decided that we were going to try and wean him off the Ativan because of the risk of addiction or the meds losing effectiveness. Over the last 3 weeks, he has been successfully weaned him off and is officially Ativan free. The Ativan is currently being used to only treat a crisis.  When a crisis begins, we immediately give him…


I’m worried sick about Gavin

Tonight we had a really bizarre occurrence that ended with me overwhelmed and freaking out.  It started out with Gavin coming downstairs and asking if his vision getting blurry means he's having a crisis? It ended up turning into a really frustrating conversation with Gavin that had me at my wits end.  Basically, we learned that his vision has been getting blurry and he just didn't think it was important enough to tell us about.  I'm freaking out about his health to begin with and this scares the crap out of me. I mean he was just recently admitted to the hospital for this very same issue and he doesn't think it's important.... What's even more frustrating is the fact that we can't get any reliable details out of him…