I hate making mistakes but they happen anyway

To show you how overwhelmed I am right now, I missed my meeting with the Autism Society of Greater Akron this morning.  My brain is so fried at this point, I lost track of the days. I thought our meeting was tomorrow but they called me this morning and wanted to know where the heck I was.  :O They were totally cool about it and I was able to telecommute and still participate in the meeting.  I'm so frustrated with myself because I hate screwing up like this.  I'm not always good at cutting myself any slack. I'm sure many of you can relate to that feeling. Anyway, we are setting up a support group for parents of kids with Autism, living in or around Stark County Ohio. Right now…


Not a good start to the day

The morning didn't go so well.  It began super early once again.  Emmett came running into our room because of a bad dream.  He wouldn't go back to his room, so we made the best of it and tried to get some sleep. It didn't last long but I tried to let Lizze sleep.  When it was time to get up, she let me sleep and got the boys ready for school. Elliott was freaking out about the BMI testing they are doing this week.  He was refusing to go to school because of it and came close to having to be carried out to the car. I'm not sure how his day is going to go. Please say a prayer that it goes well for him. Gavin on the…


The Cleveland Clinic called today

I got a call from the Cleveland Clinic today about Gavin.  They were actually returning my call from earlier.  It's truly amazing how quickly the Cleveland Clinic can return a phone call.  :-) We discussed Gavin's new symptoms and the possibility of finding a doctor or clinic that can look at Gavin's chronic health issues as a whole. I think it's important that we try and move beyond addressing things as individual health crises. What are the chances of one child having all of these major health issues and not having them all be somehow connected? Anyway, they (the Cleveland Clinic) will be looking into finding any additional options.  They're also looking into whether or not Gavin can take Miralax without throwing off his fluid balance. I'm supposed to hear…


Emmett thinks I need a helmet

Emmett came home from his grandparents the other night with a bike helmet.  I'm not sure why he came home with it but he was excited.  :-) Tonight before he went upstairs to go to bed, he took his helmet and put it on my head and told me to be careful.  O_o He's so funny.... This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired "Like" me on Facebook Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me   Setup of an account with Bluehost and I get paid. If your looking for a host for your website or blog. Click the image below and check out Bluehost. It's what I use.


Emotionally drained and desperately wanting comfort food

Wow..  Today has been a rather emotionally charged day. The boys were up extremely early and Lizze is definitely not having a good day. It's been one of those days. I received a phone call from Gavin's insurance company this morning.  It was from a case manager and she was going to be in charge of Gavin's medical health (think an advocate for Gavin). Gavin's got a case manager for his mental health as well. Basically, I had to go through his entire story and explain as much as possible, about his health and what's going on with him. These aren't easy things to talk about.  It's not like avoiding the subject makes it go away but having to go over everything again, felt like it was happening for the…


Heartbreak: Gavin has recognized his fragile health

One of the things that I left out last night when sharing what happened to Gavin was a new realization. This realization is going to make things way more complicated going forward. Last night, I realized for the first time that Gavin has become aware of his deteriorating health.  Up untill now, it never appeared as though he was self-aware enough to understand what was going on. However, after talking with him last night, it's clear that he is.  It's not like he understands what's going on but he's getting worried. I asked if he wanted us to talk with him about what's going on with his health.  He said maybe. This changes everything.... Now we have to worry about whether or not he's intentionally hiding things because he's afraid…


When’s the last time you pooped?

Gavin came home this evening from his grandparents, while I was on a business call to Boston. I could see on his face when he walked in the door that something was wrong. I asked Gavin if he was okay and he replied with a yes. Unconvinced, I asked him again what was wrong and he finally admitted that he was having chest pain. I had him sit down so I could get a better idea of what's going on. It was pretty obvious that he wasn't feeling well.  The pain was taking his breath away and so I needed to find out what was happening. First of all, I asked Gavin to point to where it hurts. I have to keep things very, very simple because he's easily confused…


Roaming the house in tighty whities

Who needs pants anyway? Clearly not Emmett, at least not this weekend. It's been a little while since Emmett has roamed the house in his tighty whities. In fact, I want to say the last time he did this was shortly before school started. For some reason Emmett has been unwilling to wear anything but his tighty whities all weekend.  I won't pretend to understand the reason behind this weekend's change in apparel.  Perhaps he had a rough week and just needed to kinda let all hang out for a couple of days.  It's clearly sensory because I tried to get him dressed but didn't want to push the issue. I'm hoping that all will be right with the world in the morning.  This site is managed almost exclusively from…