Signs are freaking out my son with #Autism

Elliott being such an amazing reader is both a blessing and a curse.  This is an example of why it can be a curse.  I've share many times how Elliott perseverates on a great many things. One of his biggest worries revolves around shots or blood work.  These things totally freak him out.  He's aware that we are approaching the time of year that we all get our flu shots. His anxiety is quite high over this.  We live right around the corner from a large Walgreens and they have about a dozen signs, encouraging people to get their flu shot.  These signs basically run the perimeter of the store and are obvious to all who drive by, especially Elliott. He freaked out this morning because as I drove him…


Struggling with sensory processing issues this morning

This morning was going pretty well until the dreaded sensory processing issues kicked in once again. As is typical for this type of situation, these issues revolved around Emmett shoes and socks.  Every single time we put them on, he took them off. It's not easy to put shoes and socks on a kid that can't stand the way they feel against his feet. There is a process to helping him through this.  Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't.  This morning it took several attempts to help Emmett tolerate his shoes and socks.  Lizze was able to work her Mommy magic and help Emmett to walk out the door this morning, with his shoes and socks on. Do your kids struggle with this kind of thing? This site…


Gavin’s impulsive actions almost got me injured

Before we took the boys to see Dr. Patti's tonight, I took them outside to collect some colorful leaves. While we were outside, we had an incident with Gavin. We had finished collecting our leaves and we were gathering under a tree in our backyard, before moving to the car.  Out of nowhere, Gavin picks up the rock you see in the picture below and tossed it up in the air.  The rock went straight up and straight down, narrowly missing my head.  He was very clearly not thinking and this may have been a very impulsive action. This is just one of the reasons we have to watch him closely. Thankfully, no one was hurt.... :-) This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos…


What the heck happened to our wraparound team?

If you've been wondering lately, where the heck is the Lost and Tired family's wraparound team, you aren't alone.  They failed to call us for our last meeting before Summer vacation. We were supposed to be contacted and we never were.  We will be back to school for a month now and we still haven't heard from our case manager/wraparound coordinator. To be completely honest, I don't know how much it was actually helping anyway. There was a great deal of talk but nothing ever really transpired. The truth is that it really isn't anyone's fault.  The problem, in my opinion, lies in the complexity of our situation. There isn't a whole lot they can do that we aren't doing already. Lizze and I are nothing if not resourceful. We…


My son with #Autism wants to share his artwork

Today at school, Emmett created this lovely piece of artwork. He drew a beautiful tree and then glued real leaves onto it. Emmett wants me to make sure that I stress that these are real leaves that you can really touch. :-) He's so proud of this and I'm so proud of him. This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired "Like" me on Facebook Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me   Setup of an account with Bluehost and I get paid. If your looking for a host for your website or blog. Click the image below and check out Bluehost. It's what I use.


I hate making mistakes but they happen anyway

To show you how overwhelmed I am right now, I missed my meeting with the Autism Society of Greater Akron this morning.  My brain is so fried at this point, I lost track of the days. I thought our meeting was tomorrow but they called me this morning and wanted to know where the heck I was.  :O They were totally cool about it and I was able to telecommute and still participate in the meeting.  I'm so frustrated with myself because I hate screwing up like this.  I'm not always good at cutting myself any slack. I'm sure many of you can relate to that feeling. Anyway, we are setting up a support group for parents of kids with Autism, living in or around Stark County Ohio. Right now…


Not a good start to the day

The morning didn't go so well.  It began super early once again.  Emmett came running into our room because of a bad dream.  He wouldn't go back to his room, so we made the best of it and tried to get some sleep. It didn't last long but I tried to let Lizze sleep.  When it was time to get up, she let me sleep and got the boys ready for school. Elliott was freaking out about the BMI testing they are doing this week.  He was refusing to go to school because of it and came close to having to be carried out to the car. I'm not sure how his day is going to go. Please say a prayer that it goes well for him. Gavin on the…


The Cleveland Clinic called today

I got a call from the Cleveland Clinic today about Gavin.  They were actually returning my call from earlier.  It's truly amazing how quickly the Cleveland Clinic can return a phone call.  :-) We discussed Gavin's new symptoms and the possibility of finding a doctor or clinic that can look at Gavin's chronic health issues as a whole. I think it's important that we try and move beyond addressing things as individual health crises. What are the chances of one child having all of these major health issues and not having them all be somehow connected? Anyway, they (the Cleveland Clinic) will be looking into finding any additional options.  They're also looking into whether or not Gavin can take Miralax without throwing off his fluid balance. I'm supposed to hear…