Growing number of parents refusing vaccinations

Health officials are alarmed at the growing number of parents who are opting not to vaccinate their children, saying there is a risk that rare diseases could return. Parents like Dotty Hagmier, however, worry the risk of side effects from vaccines is…

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Emmett wants to be a doctor that pee’s

Do your kids have any idea what they want to do when they grow up? Emmett certainly does.  He wants to be a doctor. He told us a little while back that he wanted to be a doctor but he was worried be a use he didn't think doctors can pee. I have no idea where he go that from. Now he wants to be a doctor that pee's...  :-) Tonight he decided that he would try and get some practice in by taking care of his Mommy.  He checked her BP and her lung sounds.? Anyway, Monday is dress up as what you want to be when you grow up.... day. Emmett will be using my paramedic equipment, in order to be a doctor.  He's super excited and I'm…


I love spending time with my youngest son

Emmett and I are camping out in the living room tonight.  Gavin and Elliott are spending the night at their grandparents house.  Emmett wasn't able to, so we did something special. Lizze, Emmett and I watched some Phenias and Ferb before he fell asleep on the couch, surrounded by the dogs and cats. :-) We had fun this evening.  All three of us went to see Monster University tonight and Emmett had a really, really good time. He even sat through the whole thing. Best $4.00 I've spent in a long time.  ;-) It's really nice to be able to spend some time with Emmett, away from his brothers.  Lizze and I really enjoyed ourselves.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as…


Bribing my kids to keep the peace

We will be down by two kids tonight.  Elliott and Gavin will be spending the night with Lizze's parents.  They are only taking those two because Emmett hasn't been staying overnight lately.  That doesn't mean that Emmett doesn't want to go anyways.  I had to bribe Emmett with a trip to go see Monster University at the dollar movies, before he would be okay with staying home.  We're also going to camp out in the living room tonight as well.  Sometimes it's easier to make things work in such a way that it keeps certain people happy.  Dealing with freak outs and meltdowns is so exhausting.  There are times that I'm so tired that I have been k own to resort to bribery, in order to keep the peace a…


I took Emmett to the grocery store O_o

Grocery shopping is often the only me time that this guy gets.  I love to pop in my earphones and cruise the aisles collecting groceries. I will also take the boys with me on occasion becaus I want to try and give them so hands on, real life experience.  Today was one of those days that I was looking forward to going alone. However, before I could sneak out the door, Emmett decided that he would come with me and "help" with the grocery shopping.  Look, it's not that I don't want to hang out with him.  I'm just exhausted and taking him with me will require a great deal more energy than I have.  It began with him "helping" me create a grocery list and an illustrated one at…


These early mornings are killing me

These early mornings are killing me.  This time it was Emmett that started things off around 4:30 am.  Elliott eventually woke up and laid in bed watching TV. Emmett kept coming into our room and trying to get me to wake up as well.  Lizze and I both tried to get him back to sleep but were ultimately unsuccessful. I don't have any idea why we're seeing so many early mornings but something has to give because I already didn't get enough sleep.  My other concern is that his sleep cycle will sorta mold to this new pattern.  Emmett lives his life in patterns and once he's set in a certain pattern, it's difficult to get him to move to something else.  This site is managed almost exclusively from my…


Gavin’s latest Lego creation

Gavin spent his morning building with Lego’s.  This is his latest creation. It's the beacon from Halo 3. :-) This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired "Like" me on Facebook Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me   Setup of an account with Bluehost and I get paid. If your looking for a host for your website or blog. Click the image below and check out Bluehost. It's what I use.


Gavin’s Schizophrenic hallucinations are back :(

The past two days Gavin has been wanting to spend a great deal more time with his visibly challenged friends.  In fact, it's the first thing he does when he gets up in the morning and the last thing he does before bed.  I'm praying that this is something that will pass because he's completely maxed out on his antipsychotic medication. It's only been a couple of days that I've noticed this trend but the boys have noticed this as well and are asking to join Gavin in his "imaginary" world's.  So far we have been like, no way José, but I have no idea of that's the right thing to do. All we have right now is instinct and our concern is that this would be very confusing for…