It’s come to this….

Lizze had her appointment with neurology this morning.  I drove her there and waited in the car because she wanted to do this on her own.  She didn't actually see her doctor, but instead saw his PA.  The PA is actually someone I went to medic school with and Lizze has a fantastic relationship with her.  Anyway, Lizze got all her refills and they made a few changes to her meds, most notably her anti-depressants. Lizze has had her migraine for almost 2.5 years now and that was the main topic of conversation. There is basically one procedure that she has yet to agree to and that's Botox. Having said that, her migraine is so bad that she is scheduled for another headache infusion. This is a 3 day long…


The massive Monday morning meltdown

This is by far the worst Monday in a long line of bad Monday's. Lizze didn't fall asleep until 4 am this morning and so it was a restless night for me as well.  I'm tired going into the day and to start things off like we did....... To be honest, I'm feeling so demoralized and defeated.  Let me back up a little bit and share what happened.  This is spirit week at school and the boys are allowed to dress up as something they want to be when they grow up.  Elliott wanted to be a martial artist and Gavin just wanted to wear his uniform.  Emmett wants to be a doctor,  so I dug out some of my old medic gear for him to take.  Everything was going…


Prayers are needed for my wife

I wanted to give you an update on Lizze.  Unfortunately, it's not a very positive one.  She's actually written a post about all that she's going through, it's called My Dam has broken. Check out the link above to read her story in her own words. What I'm writing is my perspective. It's what I'm seeing. I think that what Lizze wrote was very insightful and I don't think I can add much to what she said.  However, I can provide insight into the overall impact this has on us as a family. Let me start by saying that Lizze is the strongest person I have ever met. I truly mean that. Every single day she lives through more pain than many others could bare, myself included.  I would imagine…


Please keep Gavin in your thoughts and prayers on Tuesday

On Tuesday we will be making the trip to Akron Children's Hospital once again for this month's IVIG Infusion. I will most likely be the one taking him and so I can share the process with you.  I'm anxious to see what the results of his blood work were from last time.  Are his antibody levels stable or are they still decreasing? This is something that I look forward to finding out this week.  With any luck, this treatment will go off without a hitch. Please keep Gavin in your thoughts and prayers this Tuesday. This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired "Like" me on Facebook Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email,…


#Autism and Stranger Danger

How do you even begin to teach your child with Autism about the danger of strangers? Speaking from my experience with my kids, this is an exceptionally difficult task. Discretion is a concept that my kids really, really have a tough time grasping.  How do you get a child that may lack the ability to be able to discern the difference between when you can talk to a stranger and when you shouldn't talk to a stranger? There are situations in which it may be necessary for a child to approach a stranger and yet there are situations in which a child would need to run away. How do you help your child to understand the difference? What's your experience with this type of situation? This site is managed almost…


The Highlight of my day

I remember when I was a kid, reading Highlights magazine and trying to find the hidden pictures.  Now I can relive those memories as well as make new ones.  Emmett and Elliott both get Highlights magazine and lobe to have it ready to them.  Yesterday, Emmett and I read his magazine together and found all the hidden pictures.  This is kind of a monthly ritual that I really look forward to.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively from my Galaxy S4. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired "Like" me on Facebook Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me   Setup of an account with Bluehost and I get paid. If your looking for a host for your website or blog.…


Struggling with Motivation

This may sound like a bizarre question but do you ever find yourself struggling with motivation? Depression aside, I find myself struggling with finding the motivation to do some of what needs to be done.  Let me say this a different way. As a parent to three boys with Autism, everyday is a struggle, it's rewarding but a struggle.  I'm usually so completely overwhelmed by all the needs of my kids, that I find it difficult to care about much else. When I spend so much time and energy on what I consider to be the most important(my kids), I have little left for everything else.  For example, I tend to let things like the yard work, certain bills, things around the house and even my writing go, because I…


Growing number of parents refusing vaccinations

Health officials are alarmed at the growing number of parents who are opting not to vaccinate their children, saying there is a risk that rare diseases could return. Parents like Dotty Hagmier, however, worry the risk of side effects from vaccines is…

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