Purchases to Keep You Occupied During Lockdown

There are many awful things going on in the world right now. The spread of coronavirus has resulted in a worldwide pandemic and a huge amount of sickness and number of deaths. So, complaining about boredom when staying home to protect ourselves, others and the healthcare systems battling the virus can often feel like a bit of a first world problem to focus on. But when it comes down to it, some of us need distraction, occupation and something to pay attention to in order to maintain our mental and emotional health. Boredom can lead to distress and this isn’t good for anyone. Now, some of us already have hobbies that we carry out at home and are in luck, as we already have all the bits and pieces we…


#COVID19 Lockdown: Day 44

I'm happy to share that we had a pretty decent day. Nothing spectacularly amazing took place but neither did anything catestrophic. Considering we're on day 44 of COVID19 lockdown, I'm counting that as a win. Gavin's having some issues with his temper but nothing too concerning at this point. It's notable because it's likely related to his medication changes. It's more that he's easily frustrated right now and truthfully, there are many factors at play, including lockdown. I have a very, very busy week ahead of me. Obviously I don't have any appointments outside the home but I have five Zoom meeting in the next four days and likey a few more that aren't yet finalized. It looks like I'll be on TV again this week and once I have…


My kids deserve the best version of me

If I rated my sleep last night on a scale of 1 to 10, it would probably be a 4. I've had better but I've also had worse. I didn't get to bed until well after midnight and that is something I'm trying very hard to correct because I need to take better care of myself. Self-care is so important and yet it's so hard to practice. I've spoken about self-care countless times over the years and I'll continue to do so moving forward. It's just that important. Right now, the COVID19 lockdown has everyone in the country on edge. The stress level across the board is palpable. That level of stress increases exponentially when you're an Autism or Special Needs parent. It increases exponentially if you have a loved…


Day 42: We’re still here

We're on day 42 of total COVID19 lockdown and I don't know, does that count as some kind of milestone? It probably should. 😂 It's been a pretty interesting day. The kids are holding it together and that's amazing. We're not without our challenges but it could absolutely be worse, at least in this exact moment. Gavin's IVIG Infusion supplies arrived this afternoon and that's always a big relief to get his new shipments. It especially stressful right now and having these show up on time means I can check them off my list of things I need to worry about. We should be having a relatively quiet weekend and I could really use a break from any unnecessary stress. I'm trying very hard to find a few moments throughout…


There’s Good News and Bad News

I feel like we had a fantastic day, at least as far as living through a global pandemic and being locked down are concerned. I was relatively productive today and I'm proud of myself for that. The boys weren't too anxious today and Gavin was back to feeling like Gavin again after a very rough night of withdraw symptoms. I have an update to share about that and I'll get to it shortly. I was able to get the kids out for a short drive this afternoon. It took some coaxing but everyone agreed to go. We drove through the car wash and then around the park. We were going to stop by the garden center and walk around for a bit but the park was loaded with people, not…


After 39 days on lockdown, I took my kids out for a bit

We've been in the house for 39 days now. With the exception of going out into the yard, we've not gone anywhere. We're staying home to protect Gavin, ourselves and all of you. I was able to convince everyone to leave the house for a little while today. We took the car through the car wash and went for a short drive. We didn't get out of the car and we wore our masks. We were safe and careful but also astonished by the insane amount of people not social distancing. There were people playing basketball, pickle ball and groups of kids riding their bikes and people watching the track in groups. Not one time did we see anyone wearing a mask and that's scary. People were well inside of…


Gavin got really sick tonight

We had some moments today but overall, I feel like we had a good day. I wasn't feeling quite as overwhemled as I have been and I was able to get some groceries delivered this afternoon. I feel very lucky to have had that all work out today. Unfortunately, that's where the good news ends. Gavin woke up very early this morning vomiting. He dealt with it on his own and didn't wake me up until afterwards, so I want much help. I gave him something for the nausea and he was able to go back to sleep. He was very, very manic today and it was a bit much. Truthfully, he's absolutely harmless and it's more annoying than anything else. He just sorta wears me down. Throughout the day…

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I’m seeing behavioral changes and some are concerning

I wanted to devote an entire post to talking about how Gavin's doing. I haven't really updated in a little while because it's been pretty much status quo. That's not a bad thing but unfortunately, it can't last forever. Gavin is officially off the Clozapine and seems to be withdraw free. That's a very good thing. He needed an extra step in the weaning process and that seems to have eliminated the negative symptoms from a week ago. The issue now is that Gavin is unmedicated and not easy to cope with. It is however, what I knew would happen but I didn't feel I had much of a choice. I thought I would share some of my observations in regards to changes in his behavior. The only way I…