Safe and Healthy Is The Goal

I kinda exhausted my writing resources today working on a new project that I'll tell you more about when I can. That being said, I committed to writing at least once a day and I'm trying to live up to that commitment. I thought I would drop a quick little update on how we're doing. Big picture, we're doing pretty good. There are many things that are major challenges right now. Those challenges don't undon the fact that we're all safe and healthy. At the end of the day, safe and healthy is the primary goal. One of the things that I wanted to acknowledge is how difficult it's been for Lizze. I don't know what goes on in her life anymore, as my contact is limited and only in…

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It took 56 days but it finally happened

I really wish I had the energy to write more but the reality is, I don't. It's not even a close call either. I'm really trying to push myself because writing is so important to me for a million reasons but one of the biggest is that it's a form of therapy. Without writing, I tend to carry a ton of shit around that isn't healthy. My goal is to write at least once a day. I feel like that's very realistic. It's a far cry from what I used to do but it's better than giving up. I'm starting tonight, even though I'm exhausted and wanting to crash, I want to get some writing done, because I'm hoping it will help me to sleep. There were many challenges today,…


No Regrets: Trading One Dream For Another

I wanted to share something that happened recently. There's so much going on that sorta drowns out moments like these. The other day, Elliott was digging through some drawers and he found a very special piece of my past. I don't talk about it much because it doesn't really matter anymore and truthfully, it sometimes makes me sad to remember all I gave up. The picture above shows my old uniform shirt from when I was a fire medic. I haven't seen it in I don't know how long. For those that don't know, when I met my soon to be ex-wife (I fucking hate saying that but I don't know how else to say it anymore), I was just finishing up medic school and already working at the fire…


Effective Parenting Under Lockdown

Being a parent is incredibly rewarding… but also extraordinarily hard. Being a parent to a child with a condition like Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) brings with it its own unique set of challenges. Whatever the stresses and strains of your parenting journey, it’s likely that they’ve been exacerbated by the current pandemic and lockdown. Here we’ll look at some of the greatest enemies of effective parenting while on lockdown, as well as what you can do about them. Image by DDimitrova via Pixabay Unrealistic expectationsThis is something that most parents struggle with anyway. However, it’s safe to say that we’re all especially stern self-critics while under lockdown. We might see images of harmonious households on social media or parenting blogs. But while others are baking banana bread, you’re trying to…


Lockdown is becoming more and more challenging

I'm so burned out today. I did an interview this afternoon with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and I was a bit nervous about that. I think it went well and I should have that for you all in a couple of weeks, maybe soon. It all depends on how I manage the schedule. We're on day 52 of lockdown and it's fair to say that it getting to all of us at this point. I tried getting the kids to leave the house and while Elliott and Emmett were on board, Gavin flat out refused. We're in a situation where we all go or no one goes. There is no chance that I would leave Gavin home alone, unmedicated and in the middle of a global pandemic. I don't…


A heartbreaking conversation with my oldest

Gavin had a very emotional breakdown again tonight. He's been generalizing things more so than usual and while many times, it's not a big deal, sometimes it needs to be corrected. We were discussing a situation with his meds that was only problematic because he was making assumptions that were not based on fact or in reality. Anyway, he became very emotional and the conversation took a very unexpected turn. He began talking about his former high school friends and how much he missed them. That led to telling me that he wishes he had earned his high school diploma. It went from there to wanting to go to college, so he could figure out what he wants to do with his life, so he could buy his own house.…


What I’ve learned after 50 days of #COVID19 lockdown

The boys and I have been on lockdown for a total of 50 days today. When you think about that, it's crazy. 50 days of not going anywhere and not having contact with anyone outside of ourselves. I feel Ike this is a pretty big milestone and we should recognize that. It's not uncommon for me to beat myself up for my shortcomings, of which I feel there are many. Things are challenging and I believe I should be doing better. I can't tell you how many times I feel like I'm failing my kids. Those feeling will probably always be there, at least to some degree. The truth is, my job is difficult and the reality is, all things considered, I'm sorta kicking ass. It's not perfect because I'm…


A long overdue update and a big thank you to @tamronhall and @hollyrpeete

It's been a really long week and I'm unbelievably stressed out. My chest is feeling heavy and I can't seem to relax. The boys have been at each other's throats and Gavin has been freaking out for the last couple of days. The noise is really starting to get to me. The kids are struggling with lockdown and while it's a necessary evil for the foreseeable future, it's getting harder and harder to get through the day. My kids hate, and I mean hate change. This has proven to be much more change than they're able to cope with. It's really getting to be much harder as time goes on because everyone's patience and tolerance is wearing thin. Gavin is finally off the Clozapine and has been for a few…