An absolutely horrible morning
This morning has been an absolute nightmare. I've been up since 4:30 am because both Elliott and Emmett woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep. Shortly after, the fighting began. :-(
This morning has been an absolute nightmare. I've been up since 4:30 am because both Elliott and Emmett woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep. Shortly after, the fighting began. :-(
I really concerned about Gavin because he's not getting over this respiratory bug. His cough is much worse than last week and Lizze and I are hesitant to send him to school because he has a severely compromised immune system to start with.
This is just one of the many different things that a special needs parent is concerned about when they decide that something may not be good for their child with Autism.
Lizze is not doing good at all right now and it's taking every last drop of energy to make sure she can get the naps her body needs during the day.
I really set out with the best of intentions and I have goals for the day. Things like writing, dishes, laundry, vacuuming and exercise are on that list of goals. Those things are largely still on that list, waiting to be crossed off.
OMG...... My kids are driving me absolutely crazy this weekend. They are so completely overstimulated and literally bouncing off of everything they can.
I wanted to share a little bit of the lighter side of Autism with all of you. Life is rarely easy for my family but there are moments that in the middle, that really warm my heart.
This is a triumphant return of Gavin expressing himself through his Lego creations.