In desperate need of your caffinated thoughts

Lizze is back in bed and Emmett and I are on the couch watching Animal Mechanicals on Netflix. For the record, I hate this show, as do his brothers.  I pretend to like it because that way Emmett has someone to watch it with.  He just had his Benadryl and with any luck, he'll fall asleep and take a nap.  Emmett and Elliott take Benadryl for their allergies.  We don't sedate our kids with Benadryl but the side effect does sometimes work to our advantage.  I need Emmett to take a nap in the worst way imaginable. I'm so completely exhausted and I desperately need to go to sleep but until Emmett takes his nap, I need to stay awake. Please send your caffinated thoughts in my directions... This site…


OMG… The timing couldn’t be worse

Last night or rather, early this morning, Emmett climbed into our bed because he was freezing. I mean, he was literally shaking uncontrollably. The moment I touched him, I knew what was going on because he was burning up.


What the hell is this picture of?

You need to guess what this is a picture of. Leave your guess in the comments below. Then you can follow the link to check and see if you were right. When you find the answer, don't spoil it for everyone else.